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[buff] jolly crystal

jolly crystal isnt great, especially for bein a limited time primordial crystal

looks like it has a 15% chance (1 in 6.6) chance to return 20% of the damage taken from a single bullet
cool in theory, but if youre getting sprayed down by typical guns like the mac10 or honeybadger or whatever the meta is these days, say a single bullet does 15 dmg
thats a 1 in 7 (rounded) to do 3 dmg back to the other person

idk if its the damage thats bad or the chance, i just havent noticed anything come from it lol
maybe an indicator adding when it procs would be dope (have your player glow green or something idk)

potential change is just to change the dmg and chance a little til it feels better or maybe just go crazy with how good it is but add a cooldown inbetween deflected damages so like it can do some insane damage but only once every 5 or so seconds

- That Thrakos Noob

(12-22-2018, 12:23 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  jolly crystal isnt great, especially for bein a limited time primordial crystal

looks like it has a 15% chance (1 in 6.6) chance to return 20% of the damage taken from a single bullet
cool in theory, but if youre getting sprayed down by typical guns like the mac10 or honeybadger or whatever the meta is these days, say a single bullet does 15 dmg
thats a 1 in 7 (rounded) to do 3 dmg back to the other person

idk if its the damage thats bad or the chance, i just havent noticed anything come from it lol
maybe an indicator adding when it procs would be dope (have your player glow green or something idk)

potential change is just to change the dmg and chance a little til it feels better or maybe just go crazy with how good it is but add a cooldown inbetween deflected damages so like it can do some insane damage but only once every 5 or so seconds

First off. Limited time =/= being good. Something only being around shortly should never should mean it should be good just because its seasonal.

2nd, I started off super low with this crystal, due to how it works. Start small and build up to a viable crystal was the plan, because once something is deemed "OP" it's hard to remove that label/mindset from it, even with balance changes.

Buffs will be coming.

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