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Julian707 Member Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Julian707

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 336+ hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Looking for TTT servers

Have you ever been banned and why?: Perma for mass rdm

Why do you want to join?: I want to join because the community is good and I usually spend all my time on this server, Also a lot of nice people to play with.

Referred by: nobody

I suppose I should break the ice for this poor guy.

From his last membership application (1 month off of a year) and from what I've seen, he has vastly improved. I'm glad he's cut down from the toxicity, at least from what I've seen.

Emotes agreeing or thinking don't help, yall better comment.

a pretty nice person now, +1

Thumbs Up 
He gave up and gave people a bunch of his items (intending to quit) after he lost a single 50/50.  He was going to give up on this community after just losing coins. This, to me, shows that FRG isn't important enough to him to warrant making him a member. -1

(02-10-2019, 06:38 AM)Wizurdous Wrote:  He gave up and gave people a bunch of his items (intending to quit) after he lost a single 50/50.  He was going to give up on this community after just losing coins. This, to me, shows that FRG isn't important enough to him to warrant making him a member. -1

That's not really fair to say compared to everyone who departed and came back. He was upset that he lost his coins and wanted to take a "break". He never said anything bad about the server or tried to break the rules when going out. I know someone had that long rant on discord about how 5050 makes more people leave or something. Don't know if he was involved in that, but he never caused harm or discord for FRG.

More feedback?

- That Thrakos Noob

He isnt a standout player and when it comes to being permad previously for mass rdm that is a good thing, dont really see him cause issues and who doesnt get upset about losing 50/50s +1

I haven't seen him around in a minute, but i don't recall any serious issues out of him. +1


- That Thrakos Noob

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