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Slightly's Member App

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): SlightlySatisfied

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 54 hours on TTT and 20 hours on the lobby (Most of those were afk though TBH)

Where did you hear about this server?: I used to play NTG but after it died I quit Garry's Mod but I remember hearing about it on there.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I play pretty frequently and I really enjoy the server. I feel like I have a good understanding of how the server works and I love to help newer people understand too. I have lots to offer to this community and I am a friendly guy to talk too. I have been staff on numerous gmod servers and I think I have a good understanding of the rules. I would love to help make this community an even better place.

Referred by: Nobody

Additional Details: One day I was tping everyone with grimoire not knowing it was against the rules and then when I was told to stop I kept doing it for a while. I just want to apologize for that and say that I have since stopped doing that and I hope there are no hard feelings about that. I am actually a really kind person and you can always talk to me if you have a problem. I have a basic understanding of coding and mapping and I would like to learn more and help in those two areas of the server (Not that they need it). This server is a lot of fun and I'm excited to be apart of its community. I have 2.5k hours on gmod so I have been playing for a long time and have tried almost everything there is to try and I feel very good about my knowledge of the game. I have lots of good suggestions and ideas to improve the server and I feel like I could make a good impact on the server. Thank you for taking to read my application and have a nice day! Smile

I like this guy. He laughs at my jokes and I need more people that do that. Also he seems to be a generally good guy. +1

Other than spamming his grimore spam he seems to genuinely enjoy playing the server by using a tranq gun to taunt people +1

We are the brothers grim. He would make a nice addition to the frg family. +1 for sure

he took a lot of money from me in 5050 so i mean hes basically already a member +1

He's a pretty chill guy and is active +1

+1 pretty cute by I have socks on so no homo.

He took money from Alex in 5050 and I haven't seen him rdm yet. +1

He's a good player, member(maybe higher in the future) material.

He's..... alright
Okay guy

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