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Member Application: Kazen

Age: Older than 14 lol.

Steam Name(Current): Kazen

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 51 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I was a member of the staff on NTG so I've always known about FRG. A lot of our members played on both NTG and FRG although I only played on NTG because I felt it was inappropriate to play on two different servers when being a member of staff on another.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I've never been banned from FRG or NTG.

Why do you want to join?: I mainly wanted to join because a few of my friends from NTG recently started playing here so I decided to start playing TTT again. I've been playing TTT for a long time now and after a break when NTG died I decided to start playing again.

Referred by:

Additional Details: I've been playing TTT since 2012 when I started playing on a server called Voxel where I was a Moderator on; afterwards, I then joined another community which was a break-off from Voxel where I was an admin. I would later became the owner of this server for a couple of years (TAK). After this server shutdown due to people losing interest after many years of playing TTT I left gmod for a couple of years. Later, I would join NTG where I would eventually become a moderator. It's been a little over a year since NTG shutdown so I decided to look for a new community and a lot of my friends already play here so it made sense.

I knew him back in NTG, he was a fun guy and is still fun today Smile +1

Cool history btw

Trusted him to put 2 jewels in my weapons, decent person, fun to talk to.

I can't say I met him in NTG, but he would be a great addition to FRG.

Curses ... figured I'd have the honor of the first member post. I've known kazen for while. He is fair , nice, and helpful. It would be a shame if he didn't get member when he 100% deserves it. +1 from me cause he was great on ntg and he will be great on frg

Kazen has been really cool and fun to play with, I've enjoyed his time on the server and I think he would make a good member +1

Kazen plays in our groups occasionally and seems to enjoy the server enough. Pretty chill and a good community member.

We all know he's really 15, in all seriousness Kazen knows the rules pretty well and is a bud that migrated from ntg.

I think he'd make a great member of our community since he doesn't cause much trouble or drama.

Kazen is actually a 12 year old boy, Moz. This is a secret his wife shared with me one day.

Amazing guy, not just member but even member+ material!


- That Thrakos Noob

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