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(Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice"

I'm going to piggyback on what Lee said, most of the people in that discord told Atma to give the item back while in TTT because that's what's right. Jerk is by no means an angel, I've known Jerk for years from NTG and now here as well; while overall I think he's a good guy and he's fun to play games with he does goes above and beyond in my opinion to get unfair trade deals whenever possible. This in itself isn't anything against the rules or wrong, it only makes Jerk just a shrewd trader and it earns you that reputation. With what happened last night and from what I seen in the lobby even though I caught the tail end of it I can't see how most of the people involved are responsible. What I'm seeing now is little more than people who weren't even present seeking their ounce of flesh because they just want to fan the flames an encourage more drama.  

I normally don't like to talk about myself with people who aren't close friends but just this once I'm going to make an exception to that rule. My career in life is currently an LEO, it has been for the last 7 years and from what I can see from this thread you have people out seeking blood for what is little more than the bystander effect. Most of the people being vilified did nothing more than listen and watch what occurred. I'll admit I listened and watched what occurred and the only effort I personally made was tell Atma he should give Jerks item back and I talked to a member of the staff privately addressing my concerns and I told them that deep down Jerk is a good guy who just has unsavory trade methods. I'm hoping that Jerk gets his item back and learns from this experience, an experience that I'm sure he has left many others feeling after trades have gone down. I can only say this because during my tenure as a staff member on NTG we've seen numerous reports on Jerk and from what I can see not much has changed.

I'm not sure how the staff should handle this situation but I'm disappointed in a lot of the people here. I didn't see where and I quote "were you convincing Atma that what he did was perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged it, but you were turning a fairly new player against a member of the server purely because you had your own vendetta against him". I was there and I never seen this, I could have missed this because I was playing TTT for the most part and I didn't really have a care one way or another but if this occurred it wasn't discussed. It's unlikely that I'll contribute anymore to the circus this thread has become but if warranted I may reply again. At the end of the day I hope that Brassx can return Jerks item from Atmas inventory if at all possible and somehow come to an appropriate conclusion to this matter.  

Not to discredit you kazen, you were involved on micros side of this though. You literally leaked info from jerk to micro and the others. Even as to implicate me as colluding with jerkbutt over this report. Which if it was, micro woulda been the one reported from this thread not atma.

Overall, none of this should have been a problem but people decided emotions>rules. We need to smarten up as a community to not attack people based on your personal dislike of them. You have the right to exist just as much as any others as long as you stay within the rules.

Edit: as people know, majority of players tend to group up in a discord channel somewhere. But interestingly enough the ones who hang in micros discord are the ones defending him.

That was taken before micro banned me from his discord. This does not implicate any of you were involved in the drama, but it does provide a flaw to any of your statements considering you guys were in a voice chat with micro from the start, people listened in about things that were said. You guys cheered atma on originally until it turned sour due to rules being broken and things escalating.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

If you want to go there then sure, I wanted to stop this from blowing up however possible because it seemed like a hitjob on something that could have been largely avoided. I "leaked" said image to a member of the staff as well because I wanted Jerk to get his shit back. You however can't argue that you aren't purposely trying to blow this up into more drama than it needs to be. I really didn't want to involve myself anymore than this but this is what I find frustrating from someone who says they hate jerkbutt and aren't invested in this.



I can't even log on to fish without seeing this and it's disgusting. Literally from minutes ago and this is the little that I felt like clipping but at this point I'm done. I reiterate my point that people are just out for a pound of flesh from anyone just for the purpose of fanning the flames. If it wasn't for the purpose of blowing of said drama anymore than you wouldn't have even started blowing up chat on lobby server by instigating something when before it was just people killing Krakens and screaming "POG" everytime a rusty key drops.

Its not even a day old yet, punishments have not even been settled on yet for anyone. It is reasonable to talk about it ingame just as much as we are here. Except its considered shitposting when making joke statements about people departing to leave for another server, like they do from mg to frg. (how many ex mg staff do we have as proof of this)

Edit: i like how you didnt clarify that I listened to grass and stopped talking about it ingame after, to keep it drama free. I dont know about you but i have had plenty of messages asking for info on what went down last night from members of the community, staff and players.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

You didn't stop though, you continued to shitpost to fan the issue.

"tbh ignoring it won't make it go awy"

and yet you continued after that but I didn't clip any of it because I was already disgusted by that point. I'm done here for now though, I need to go grocery shopping then hit the gym so I'll be back later. If you want to continue this then just DM me. I don't want to shitpost this thread and distract from other people voicing their opinions.

I'd also like to point out that I had just gotten home and joined that discord when I got on, and the first thing I did was make sure nobody encouraged him to do it (you can hear that I Tjs recording), I wasn't going to comment on this thread has i didn't have anything worthy to be contributed to here, but seeing as how I am mentioned by bathory here, i figured i needed to now.

I had just talked to jerk before and after all of this had happened. The only real reason i joined in the first place was to know what was going on and to make sure nobody in there caused it. Afterwords I just fished and talked for a bit as i didn't really have much else to do.

(05-04-2019, 09:18 PM)De_Vour Wrote:  I'd also like to point out that I had just gotten home and joined that discord when I got on, and the first thing I did was make sure nobody encouraged him to do it (you can hear that I Tjs recording), I wasn't going to comment on this thread has i didn't have anything worthy to be contributed to here, but seeing as how I am mentioned by bathory here, i figured i needed to now.

I had just talked to jerk before and after all of this had happened. The only real reason i joined in the first place was to know what was going on and to make sure nobody in there caused it. Afterwords I just fished and talked for a bit as i didn't really have much else to do.

I can confirm he talked to me and was not a real part of this.

I doubt kazen had any true evil intent. I'm sure just like lee he mostly sat back and watched this all go down. He probly laughed , told old stories and such. Kazen being the man I know him to be must have at some point told the man to give the item back. No one with a brain knew atma would get away with what he did.

The best thing most of you that were on last night including bathroy could do is wait for brass to do what brass is gonna do. It was very late as far as I know , people knew jerk was reporting it so most just sat back. I was in the discord for 10 to 20min. At first I thought lee or kazen finally dropped something rare. Through all the noise I was confused and tried to ask and get a real answer. Even as atma was telling his tale he was still being confusing.

The people who should get in trouble are those who did wrong. Mainly the man who stole an item from jerkbutt secondly those who stocked the fire. Other then that punishing people who could do nothing but tell the guy to give it back isn't and shouldn't be right. Kazen I don't think had evil intent or fueled the fire. Instead just like lee I think he was along for a ride.

In closing let brass and his staff figure out what they wana do with all this. Stop fueling fires in game or on lobby. I'm sure people don't wana talk about it. You have made a post on the forums that's the best us no staff or people not involved can do.

Final verdict:
  • Atmaisfear is banned indefinitely with a chance to appeal.
  • Microboss is banned for 1 month, and demoted from member.
Normally I'd do trade bans for such things, with demotions, but Micro didn't actually trade, and Atmaisfear couldn't care less about trading/items.

Everyone else in the discord channel involved (that were cheering/encouraging said scam), you've made my shit list but I'm not going to take direct action against you right now.

I'm honestly sick of all the reports against you though jerk butt, I know a lot of them are pretty bull shit, but I can't say they are completely unwarranted.. Trying to do a stupid prank like this is why this whole mess happened to begin with. Just why did you feel the need to make people who hate you, more salty? Just stop. I'm tired of reports against you, the little things add up to a breaking point eventually, and when a more substantial one comes along, just know I will not let things slide, so you really need to try to clean up your behavior.. Remember at the end of the day we're a gmod server, and a community. Having our virtual items is fun and enjoyable, but you need to ask yourself if what you go through when trading is really worth the amount of hate you get? And you all need to ask yourselves, is it really worth the hate/drama to single him out because you dislike him or his trade practices? I'll leave it at that.

Report closed.

I wanted to also mention about you specifically microboss. There's literally no excuse for your actions, there's a video on the thread alone that shows what you were saying in-game. Endorsing said scam, saying it's not against the rules, all of this disgusting behavior. Your replies here did nothing but make you look worse.

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