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Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): The Danish Monk-Monks-

Time played on servers: currently 142 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I learned of the server from my older brother, and other member of NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. I have been banned for 2 years due to a racist slur

Why do you want to join?: Because I like the server and the community, almost like having a second family

Referred by: Nobody

Additional Details:
I like to make fun of Terran.

He's a pretty alright dude, and has played quite a bit. It was a bit unfortunate for how he had been banned in the past, but it was a millenia ago and not done in an actually harmful way. Would do fine as a member. +1

+1 from my experience with him he seems like a pretty nice guy

I can't say I remember you from before, but I sometimes see you on. As long as you don't start to do anything, you'd probably get member. +1

+! seems like a pretty nice guy, I've seen him on the server a few times.

+1 i've seen him around & hasn't caused any problems. nice & sweet lad

+1 iz good guy. Why you have to be judging...

But seriously he's decent and chill and is active even helps with new people coming about
Vanished from life

Just don’t repeat what you did in the past, and you should be fine
Seems like a nice guy.


- That Thrakos Noob

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