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Change: Daybreak Ability

Daybreak is a very good gun with some solid play in my opinion, however every time I use it that's all it feels to me. Just a nice gun.

Daybreak really falls off on it's special suffix:

Has a 1 in X chance to create a star above the target for X seconds. Once the star is destroyed, the target is slowed, and ignited relative to the time it was alive

I do like the idea of this suffix, but It just doesn't work at all on a gun like this. Especially with how the only way it could actually ever work to it's fullest or close to is when you die as you failed to kill your target. If you do kill your target, congratulations your suffix did nothing and that happens too many times to count. I don't exactly like when my gun works better when I die is kinda my point.

Some ideas off the top of my head would be:
X chance to shoot the sun which makes the player revolve around it as well as giving the "Has a 1 in X chance to create a star above the target for X seconds. Once the star is destroyed, the target is slowed, and ignited relative to the time it was alive" (Pretty much the same thing, but a gives the suffix actually something so that the it's a threat immediately)

As for an Alt fire hold R to charge up a fire ball (except more static and no bouncing) like from survive perhaps giving a small phoenix on hit and a small explosion on contact

Comment any other suggestions you feel. I just think Daybreak is pretty boring and could stand to be more unique

I never notice when I'm affected by the daybreak star, there's no sound or anything and it usually kills me. Even then, I've tried destroying it and it kills me. I've shot it with a divine galil, a hellfire and other things and it doesn't really change much.

the gun itself is very strong, and the ability is just basically a martyrdom for when you die and the player that killed you burns, idk the ability could be better but if so id tune down the gun somewhat

I mean a good weapon doesn't necessarily mean nerf the ability (Azzuredge). Maybe so if it was absolutely busted, but it has some major damage drop off, but it's pretty good up close as I believe it's modeled after a Mac10.

Breaking star now gives the daybreak user a short buff yus

All for a buff if its not so great, but it should be way more obvious (since it doesn't seem to tell you at all) when afflicted. Only thing I'd ask for.

Yea, that's kinda how it almost always works after I die, pretty funny spectating someone with a sun over their head as they don't even know they about to die. Also why I proposed a change as that is another reason why people hate this suffix

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