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computer technician please!

So I guess that means the temperature isn't the problem. I don't know much about RAM, but yours is 3x slower than mine, and mine is like 5 year old ddr3. Shouldn't really affect gameplay that much though. Just something to think about.

Next thing is something I know nearly nothing about, but maybe someone else does. There are two things you can try. First is to check your crash logs for help.Head to your GarrysMod folder (steamapps/common/garrysmod/ and look for the most recent mdmp file and plug it in here: http://dumps.metastruct.uk.to/

Next thing you can try is to disable every addon and see how your fps is when you play a map and see if it improves. If it does you can turn them back on one by one and try to find the broken one. Or you can just delete all of them and download them again in hopes it fixes something.

uh... did you cheap out on your RAM?  What's the exact RAM you have?

Lets first make sure that RAM speed is correct: Open up task manager, go to the performance tab, and click Memory.

This is what mine looks like...

That is extremely concerning if that is your actual RAM speed, and it would explain bad performance if you have literally anything running other than a game.

Ok, I did some research, Speccy shows the "real" data rate that RAM runs at, meaning it's half the advertised speed because RAM is Double the actual speed (DDR4 - Double Data Rate v4) so 1600mhz advertised is actually 800mhz.

So that means your RAM should be running at about 2*365 ... which is 730mhz...
You got shit RAM speed. Either you cheaped out on this where you shouldn't have, or your motherboard is set to run your RAM at a super low speed.

(06-02-2019, 08:47 PM)Davdo Wrote:  uh... did you cheap out on your RAM?  What's the exact RAM you have?

Lets first make sure that RAM speed is correct: Open up task manager, go to the performance tab, and click Memory.

This is what mine looks like...

That is extremely concerning if that is your actual RAM speed, and it would explain bad performance if you have literally anything running other than a game.

This is exactly what one of the 2 dumbasses you asked said.

(06-02-2019, 08:47 PM)Davdo Wrote:  uh... did you cheap out on your RAM?  What's the exact RAM you have?

Lets first make sure that RAM speed is correct: Open up task manager, go to the performance tab, and click Memory.

This is what mine looks like...

That is extremely concerning if that is your actual RAM speed, and it would explain bad performance if you have literally anything running other than a game.

Ok, I did some research, Speccy shows the "real" data rate that RAM runs at, meaning it's half the advertised speed because RAM is Double the actual speed (DDR4 - Double Data Rate v4) so 1600mhz advertised is actually 800mhz.

So that means your RAM should be running at about 2*365 ... which is 730mhz...
You got shit RAM speed. Either you cheaped out on this where you shouldn't have, or your motherboard is set to run your RAM at a super low speed.

I bought it for 50$

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Any more details other than its $50? Like brand and stuff?

Assuming that task manager is more accurate than speccy, it seems that your RAM speed is fine then.

8 GB of RAM however is on the low side for gaming, if you've been installing more programs in the past two weeks, they may be eating up your RAM now which would explain the sudden degradation in performance.

I noticed a considerable performance improvement when I upgraded to 16 (I donated 8GB of mine originally to a different PC, so I was down 8GB for a while).

Whenever you start a game now, windows is probably dumping a lot of your RAM into a paging file (Virtual RAM on your hard drive or SSD, this is considerably slower but still does the same thing as actual RAM) so it would definitely be a performance impact.

(06-04-2019, 02:34 AM)Davdo Wrote:  Any more details other than its $50?  Like brand and stuff?

Assuming that task manager is more accurate than speccy, it seems that your RAM speed is fine then.

8 GB of RAM however is on the low side for gaming, if you've been installing more programs in the past two weeks, they may be eating up your RAM now which would explain the sudden degradation in performance.

I noticed a considerable performance improvement when I upgraded to 16 (I donated 8GB of mine originally to a different PC, so I was down 8GB for a while).

Whenever you start a game now, windows is probably dumping a lot of your RAM into a paging file (Virtual RAM on your hard drive or SSD, this is considerably slower but still does the same thing as actual RAM)  so it would definitely be a performance impact.

I would definitely say this and as well if he uses chrome, that would do a lot to slow down your computer. Though being told it is just $50 for the RAM doesn't say much to address the problem.

Is it DDR3, DDR4? Do you know the memory speeds?

Patriot, DDR4, 2400mhz https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B016A29ETY/ref=pe_3034960_236394800_TE_dp_5

Something is very fishy with that ram.

Unless they sent you a higher speed than you ordered or you overclocked it, windows shouldn't say it's running at nearly 3000mhz when it's marked as 2400. Especially when speccy said you had it running at 730mhz.

You should double check the speed of the ram on the actual stick, just to make sure they sent you what you ordered and that nothing looks out of place. And maybe try slotting it into two different slots to see if anything changes. Might also help to poke around the BIOS a little bit, but only change things if you feel comfortable in doing so.

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