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Change Crate Perks for Expired Crates

Crates they aren't able to be purchased from the coin or donator shop should have these crate perks changed:
  • The perks are completely useless since they will never come back to the coin shop.
    The change should vary if it's still able to be dropped from events.

Replace ideas:
1. Grands a 1 in 25 chance to double the amount of crates obtained from a loot orb or chest. (wouldn't apply to expired crates that can't be earned in events.)
2. For every 5 crates of this series opened receive 1 free.

Post your own suggestions.

number 2 is just max level perk but better

Hard +1. I remember when I first started here I saw the perks and went "Wait I cant buy these so why does it double when you 'buy?'"

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