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Earl Dibbles Jr.'s Application

Age*: 17

Where did you hear about this server?*: NTG Forums

Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I really wanna help out with you Brass, i wanna start new with you.

Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: I once was..

Any other info: When i saw you were doing this Brass I was so excited.. It gives me a chance to restart with everyone. Let alone you, I may not be accepted to the Beta because of my past with NTG but when this server comes to public you will see me on it all the time. Also, just to clear up im done with WoGs. I havent been on Garrys Mod for a long time actually. I just did start playing NTG a little while ago and now I saw this new server.. I think its very needed and im super excited for the launch! Thanks for reading this guys. Heart

pls donate money to me though,

I thought you were dead. Anyway cool to see you back

We had problems back then...
...but hence why not get another chance?


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