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TL;DR : I don't actually mean to be a bitch and I love to fight. I'm a nice guy and you should get to know me, cancerous furry or not.

Hello anyone and all that read this, I'm typing this to adress a couple things and "issues" people may have with me, this isn't a bitchy rant thread.

Where should I start.. well, I'll start with adressing the massive ammount of hatred I'm getting from people, why don't I?

So I've made a conclusion lately in the past.. week or so I've played on FRG, there are CLEARLY a couple people that despise me; Terran, Tobias, a couple other people whos name's I have not taken the time to remember.
(Not mean't in any offensive ways, I have a bad short term memory)

What I'd like to say is, I truely have honestly changed in many many ways, of course I still get pissed off like every other person, just at different things.
The thing being, the issues I have with people like Terran is, either I hurt them or treated them like shit in the past without even knowing, and it's coming back to bite me in the ass, or the person is just a douche and cannot accept that I've grow; in this case, I really hope that with Terran It's just been a bad past. (He's probably gagging as he reads this.)

Another issue that I'm presented with almost every other day on either the forums or in game even, is people that I barely know just targeting me, trying to get ME into trouble with the highers and admins or just in general, being a d-bag to piss me off; which I CHOOSE to act pissed because I like to get into fights, It's not that I'm an agressive or rude person, I just like to fight..

Another issue I want to adress is of course, the fights I'm constantly getting into. As I said, I love to fight, not just like, but I just love to fight and throw insults between one-another, that's my idea of a good time.
The issue is, people tend to think that I'm just a ragey-fuck that doesn't want to do anything but rage at others and bitch, excuse my Polish.
Yes, I know I come off as a bitch and nothing but, BUT, I'd like to ask that you get to know me personally before you actually make a judgement on me from what you see in-game.

One last thing before I leave you to scream and cry in a corner because I posted something.

I really am sorry for yesterday, shit is happening in my family and I'm going through some serious shit. I really truely am sorry.




Bottle plays that while he has ten hours of sex.
  • x1


(03-22-2015, 03:03 PM)MatlaS Wrote:  excuse my Polish.

Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

(03-22-2015, 04:05 PM)TheEpicZephyr Wrote:  
(03-22-2015, 03:03 PM)MatlaS Wrote:  excuse my Polish.


Inside joke.


Zephyr, don't respond to bait.

in my opinion mat has changed somewhat. in my time play with him i have only seen he rage out once and that was yesterday/last night. yes last night he handled handled what happened way out of control but its the only thing i have seen. i am not sure what was said exactly because i believe it was said in admin chat or in steam chat with nuggie but from what was being said to mat from nuggie he was out of control. i feel like he can have a second chance but he has to learn the not fight even if you like to. that means nothing if you are gonna play your gonna need to stop. also terren i love you, but from what i have seen you start with him every time he is on. i don't know what what happened between you two but you both need to just leave each other. if your both on, just don't talk to each other its simple.

Just a bit of banter?


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