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[CHANGE] Whirlwind

The Whirlwind is currently in an awkward state as a sniper where it plays more like a slug shotgun than a gun you need to be accurate and are rewarded with. The accuracy on this sniper said to be "so accurate" is abysmal at even medium range and sometimes close range a headshot could hit either 1 pellet, miss entirely, or have both pellets hit where you were not aiming on the person. Due to this reason I feel it should probably be more accurate in close and medium range fights, but still being slightly inaccurate at long range seems fine. And to make it so this isn't just a buff to the weapon overall I'll suggest lowering the pull on the whirlwind spots or adding a cooldown between procs. As is the inescapability of the whirlwinds is pretty crazy, but they fit with the sniper theme of allowing for easier followup shots. The Whirlwind will proc a whirlwind on every pellet hit as is and makes it almost impossible to go anywhere once hit, and along side with the massive pull from these if a player starts spamming jump and other movements they propel around in the whirlwinds also creating hard followups. Making the pull less on these so people can actually escape them after trying to move away from them for a short while would benefit the hit players with the feeling of not being trapped and the shooter not having to adjust for a player spazzing out inside the whirlwind. Otherwise a good change might be to make it only proc maybe once every 5 seconds that way you can't mega stack people with a ton of limb/body shots.

Evidence of inaccuracy:

Evidence of current BS pull:


bruh moment

i've never used it before, but for a SNIPER, the accuracy looks as good as a mac10s

honesty this is the same ability the azurth (black hole) got nerf'ed for.
it makes people stand still and you cant get out of it.

imo the first shot should be accurate and the second should orbit around it. And it'd be cool if the alt fire was faster and more like the dark matter's grenade. Since the alt fire is basically useless at longer ranges. Making it faster but harder to aim at least gives it a chance to be used at medium to long-range

Hmm, didnt realize the accuracy was that bad, was a lot less when i first made it but it had that bug where the second bullet wouldnt register. Ill buff the accuracy a bit when i get a chance but i still want it to be a sudo shotgun

It's pretty bad, I'd be down for a rework at most or at the very least some sort of rebalance on it's accuracy.
Umpty Dumpty

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