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Monthly Quests

How about adding a monthly quest that has a good chance of dropping the monthly item. A few ideas for monthly quest would be. Get a certain amount of kills (like 1000) rightful kills, Win a certain amount of t rounds, and play a certain amount of rounds. The drops of this monthly could be 1/3 chance (more or less) of dropping the monthly item. 100-300 random crates. and 10k-50k coins. If you like this idea or have any other suggestions for it reply in the comments.

i don't know about those big of rewards but I would like more quest that doesn't involve touching blue circles, gray cogs or clicking e on lizard snakes.

Absolutely not, despite how I think of you normally this idea is just not good. A 1/3 chance to get the monthly? Thats ridiculous, the reason why so many beam swords have dropped is because of the moat wave, and the fact that so many of them actually do the dailies. Even then there are usually 6 dailies, and they are completed 75+ times a day. This sounds like everyone would get a bunch of drops, but there are usually 3 or 4 beam swords dropped a day. So if you would do the math 75*6=450, 450 divided by 3 would be 150. That would be on average 150 dailies to get a beam sword, your suggestion is to do a challenge that seems like a lot but ultimately would not be. For example there are kill requirement quests that take lets say 18-21 kills per quest, we'll stay on the low end for sake of the game. If you were to do that the entire 150 times then you would have 2,700 kills. IF that was the only challenge, and typically those are the hardest ones. I believe that there should not be ANY monthly quests, and the dailies are completely fine and perfect. Huge -1 from me.

I think a monthly challenge or maybe even weekly challenges would be nice to gain extra rewards. Idk about your rewards that you made, but something that's worth and also balanced could be nice, and definitely not a 1 in 3 chance, but Brass makes all the chances anyways so it's totally up to him on how rare it is.

Im not against the idea, but i think it should have maybe 1/50 or 1/20 chance at monthly at best, with maybe the same chances for ez scroll applied to medium and medium chances to hard. Then have a decent amount of crates or maybe a special djinn like loot where it has chance to give old crates ( i want those enhanceables) or have its own unique crate that has Mimic monthlies or something. It would be cool if it would be super unique etc. This is totally different than the base idea but i jsut think there it much that could be done with this.

I'm always up for the idea of more ways to get loot. It makes the game more engaging and keeps you playing longer just to finish that one last quest. +1 loot good

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