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Nerf Beam Swords

>Anyways i suggestion to remove the deflect section of the Combo. You really can't do shit when your vs a player with beam sword since 1. they can crouch and protect most of there body with E and then spam R and jump instantly to you and beat the living fuck of you WHILE deflecting your only change of living.

This. This right here
Umpty Dumpty

Lots of wrong things mentioned here.

The deflection window while swinging is very small, like 0.2-0.3 seconds mid way through the swings(typically around 0.5 seconds total), the deflection also only blocks certain hitboxes from certain angles. Upper chest, head, and right arm. Every where else can be shot.

The combo is not 'spam R' or anything like that as far as I'm aware unless it's a bug. You have to left mouse, R, right mouse. That's the combo, and there's plenty of downtime between swinging to get shot, as only a small window in each swing has the ability to deflect shots from certain angles that hit certain hitboxes. That window can be adjusted if needed though.

I'm against the nerf, but I will say some people are much too good at using it compared to me. Half the time I'm trying to use the combo my hits don't register at all and whenever I'm trying to deflect I'm missing half the shots and getting rained in the ass. I think your just experiencing the other side of the coin because tbh I am buns with it and it never works out in my favor unless I've been preparing for a t to shoot at me, am already aiming at their head, and have been spamming the deflect button.

People act like the beam blade is some undefeatable thing. You only have like 12% mobility. Jumping leaves you almost entirely exposed when using that to close the distance. It's only effective at like 3 feet. Yes it's probably the most powerful melee, but I think I've died to it in a fight like twice. Yet i can't tell you how many people blindly rush me and die for it. Literally, the only time you actually die from a beam sword is it's your own fault or in a dead-end hallway/room.

But instead of learning to play around things people just want the option to walk up to a guy holding a melee weapon spraying holding down mouse one with no consequences.

That video there really highlights how you have to do the playstyle to even be somewhat effective with the beam blade. Attacking someone from complete unaware, constantly trying to push someone into the corner and failing whilst maneuvering yourself around a corner whilst despterately blocking and try to goad people into following you. If any person in that situation instead of trying to rush me instead stood outside the door I would have died. If you die from the beam blade and it isn't someone stabbing in your back it's entirely your fault.

Ah, yes, melee weapons. The things we should all develop specific counter strategies too. Mm. Yes.

A fix has been applied

BrassxYesterday at 7:27 PM
Fixed a few beamsword bugs


(08-18-2019, 10:03 PM)Terran Wrote:  Ah, yes, melee weapons. The things we should all develop specific counter strategies too. Mm. Yes.

Why not lets not pretend everything on this server is five times removed from normal ttt already. I don't really get the idea of why people are upset that melee is a valid playstyle now. If anything I would think people would find it fun to see more ways of playing the game. Instead of being upset of change because it changes the dynamic of ttt. When the dynamic was already drastically changed the moment an inv system was added to it. People have such a jerk reaction to changes in any part of ttt it's a wonder anything ever gets changed at all.

It was a bug and now it's fixed. lets just leave it at that.

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