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Deathrayjj's Membership Appeal Part 2

Age: 14.

Steam Name(Current):  Deathrayjj.

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 150+ TTT 20+ Lobby 190+ total

Where did you hear about this server?: Browsing through TTT 5 or 4 years ago, then came back after the moat incident About 2 weeks ago.

Have you ever been banned and why?: yes I was banned about 4 years ago for toxicity/causing problems but I was a idiot back then.

Why do you want to join?: I just want to me more apart of the community and I think this will help with that since i'm on a lot

Referred by: Nobody but someone told me how to do it and if I wanted to on discord.

Additional Details: Active and Going to do a membership appeal every 100 hours or so.

Still have to vbat you usually. Until that changes -1 from me.

-1 very toxic, doesnt know when enough is enough

Absolute -1, you have not changed at all, you admitted you wanted to get as many -1s as possible on your last application, you are extremely annoying to everyone. You have admitted you also want as many people to block you as possible, probably half of the server has blocked you. You never know when to stop talking, you're toxic, you don't really have any of the traits necessary to be a member. Although I am coming off as toxic with this post this is the truth and you have waited practically no time since your last application.

Not 5 days ago this guy was warned twice about the mic spam, I vbat timed him, complained about the vbat for 3 rounds, I gagged him, complains about being gagged for 2 rounds, I warned him twice about it, I mute him, and then uses admin chat to complain.

Enough said, -1

haven't really changed at all. i unblocked you multiple times to give you more chances and you're still being loud and obnoxious. -1

Pretty much every time that I've seen him, he's been super annoying and sometimes toxic. I've even seen him be annoying about 50/50s when he loses and have seen him try to pressure a guy into betting against him for like 10 minutes straight. -1

I'm gonna have to say that at this point in time he shouldn't become a member for the same reasons as those above. -1

Literally can't play the game unless you're muted dude, you just NEVER shut up. You don't have to keep talking constantly. I literally have never seen you not holding down your mic button when I had you unblocked. -1, i agree with konk on this shit, you just don't get it.

I unblocked him for a whole map and still didn't see a reason not to keep him block -1

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