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Crate Animation Skip / Cosmetic Delete Setting

*Crate Animation Skip*
In the most simplest way I can phrase this, I know this would be very possible; "Add a Setting to skip crate opening animation to run through HOARDS of crates faster."
Reason: I, aswell as many other players who consistently play FRG and grind out dailies, events and TTT have to spend ages... literal hours of opening crates and going to lobby or removing cosmetics or making them into runes.

Extra: Possibly add this to pumpkin too? - This mind resolve or make the pumpkin disappear bug worse.

*Cosmetic Delete Setting*
"Add a setting to automatic delete cosmetics below a certain tier that have already been obtained"
Reason: When opening hoards of crates, it's completely random whether or not you'll receive something like 30 cosmetics or 10 cosmetics that'll clutter your inventory preventing you from opening.

Extra: I wouldn't say to make Cosmetics dismantlable, But maybe possibly? Even just for the slightest bit of scrap but not neccessarily a fragment instead of making them removed.

NOTE 1: This is not a copy to another server, I'd just like this feature to be implemented alot, so that I may play TTT more often instead of spending roughly 45 minutes a day sorting out my inventory because of cosmetics and opening crates.
NOTE 2: Also I think this could reduce lagg possibly, as i've heard in the past that when a lot of people opened crates constantly spamming the server with information it'd lagg the server, Not sure if that's true but I think this could help.

i agree completely the crate animation thing can be really annoying and time consuming and its painful when you land so close to a godlike or something that u want i mean i know its a visual thing but its still annoying and honestly i would rather not see the visual landing nano meters from a flashback crate as for the cosmetic thing i can see how it would be helpful but personally i wouldn't use it as i like to make rune how ever i know at lest a few people who would love it so +1

more than anything I want mass remove, maybe just like check off the items you want deleted then remove them all at once instead of having to click and confirm everything you are removing

The load on the server would be wayyyyyy too large if crates could be opened instantly.....maybe......or something like that.
Also you can use cosmetics in rune creation. There's literally no reason to delete them. Unless you're on TTT and way too lazy to go to lobby.

I mean, I can understand the frustration of the time it takes, but it also gives the server a little bit of time to process the stuff, or at least so I understand. As for cosmetics, why aren't you taking them to arvid? It's literally free runes. Like, nani? Mass delete, you could have a dedicated bag to trashing stuff, fill that bag, then delete all. Just a couple of ideas for you guys. Or heck, dismantle and sell the scrap on the guns and stuff, you may not get the catalysts, but shit, scrap adds up pretty quick.

The most I would personally want is a double click quick open feature, like you double click an individual crate, and it just rolls the animation at max speed.

If it is possible to make the crate opening process instant that would be lovely but i'm not sure if that would put a strain on the server. As for the props / cosmetics I don't see a reason to do anything to them, from my own experience I know what crates have a high change of giving cosmetics so I open them last so I have more available space to craft all the unwanted props into runes. I don't mind making the runes if anything id like more runes / other items to be available from Arvid.

It’s too much on the server to handle if they were opened instantly/faster.

(09-11-2019, 04:12 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  The load on the server would be wayyyyyy too large if crates could be opened instantly.....maybe......or something like that.
Also you can use cosmetics in rune creation. There's literally no reason to delete them. Unless you're on TTT and way too lazy to go to lobby.

Opening 2000 Crates -> I have to constantly check every 3~ minutes because my inventory is flooded with cosmetics.
I personally don't care for runes, i've only gotten 1 refresh out of it and even then I'm the type of person to find my time more precious than constantly having to spam click 10 items in to an npc that resets the dialogue when you craft it... - Literal ages btw

Perhaps in the future there may be some way to dismantle accessories and with such a feature auto-dismantle would entail, however I do think you're exaggerating how quickly your inventory gets filled up with accessories by quite a bit.
I don't know if your inventory is maxed out but that really helps with mitigating how often you have to empty it.
And yeah as people have already said an instant open system is essentially impossible due to the strain it would put on the webserver, believe me you're not the first guy to suggest this lol.

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