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mystery scamming/blackmail

To be clear:

Just because something is not officially supported, doesn't mean it's a 'lawless' zone. It means it's handled on a per-case basis, and should be AVOIDED because it's MUCH EASIER to get scammed from unofficial "player-to-player" agreements, that are only backed up by players themselves, rather than automated systems.

If I deem someone to do something dishonest, such as mislead someone into thinking a trade is temporary, then not honor it, I will most likely enforce a tradeback. I've done it plenty of times, and if pringles did not in fact have mystery's permission to gamble away his item, then the fault lies with pringles/sardine for the entire chain of events. Thus the safest bet is probably to nullify the entire 50/50 as the original 'player to player' agreement wasn't valid to begin with as pringles did not have full ownership over one of the items in the agreement. But it may be too late to reverse it. That said, that doesn't excuse the blatant 'scam' from mystery and punishments will be handed out as needed, once decided.

I highly advise players to not do any item 50/50s until I officially make a system for it when I can.

I'll update with the situation/final decision when I can.

I agree with this scamming accusation, few days ago player SkaG dropped a polarity and mystery traded him and offered 350k and a shadow strike 400kish in total mystery told him it was worth the polarity and quickly as i saw in the chat mystery trading him i asked what his offering and thats when it got funky and mystery said he never wanted it was for a friend then since then his changed his story few times.

pog, seeing like 70% biased comments here and 20% pointless not helpful points and 10% points that make sense.

(09-17-2019, 08:30 AM)Danny Mcbride Wrote:  +1
I agree with this scamming accusation, few days ago player SkaG dropped a polarity and mystery traded him and offered 350k and a shadow strike 400kish in total mystery told him it was worth the polarity and quickly as i saw in the chat mystery trading him i asked what his offering and thats when it got funky and mystery said he never wanted it was for a friend then since then his changed his story few times.

Also I'd like to point out if anyone feels like believing Danny, you can contact ScaG yourself; ScaG agreed that I was not trying to scam him but only giving him an offer, Not that I wanted a polarity but the zafkiel he had.

So Danny if you'd kindly stop trying to stir shit Smile

Sounds like you scammed, and you are very toxic man! /s Just check trade logs and we see who is telling the truth.
Bouncy Rounds

This entire fiasco is an embarrassment when this is supposed to be a gaming community where people come together to play a game and have fun. I've read through everything that we have available and while I won't pass any judgement without seeing trade logs and other relevant information that may yet not be currently available I wanted to say something. I hope when this issue comes to an end that a severe punishment is issued. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and it shouldn't be tolerated on FRG; the amount of edited screenshots and the behavior in them in an attempt to scam is completely unacceptable.

Mystery as a side note, I'm not casting any blame on you or anyone else until we find out what actually happened but I want to say something. You need to take a step back and look at yourself and how you're treating others. This is an issue that goes beyond just a game because I'm a firm believer that the narcissism and self entitlement people show online is a reflection of how they actually think and the behavior they can eventually develop. Most people on this server are probably in their core development years and it's disheartening to see how quickly you would disregard common decency by using a form of a loophole and how quickly you wanted to pin the blame on Sardine. I can't believe Sardine would gamble away an item that wasn't his without getting prior agreement from the person who owned it. I've done item 50/50s with Sardine in the past and he has always honored his deals and he isn't the type of person who would try to scam others. In addition to this the way you constantly tried to take personal digs on your "so-called" friend Burnsy when it looked like he was trying to steer you in the right direction is further evidence of self entitlement and importance where you feel you deserve special treatment.

I realize you'll probably disregard everything I've said but I'm only saying this because of my history with my work and with people in general and I'm seeing the warning signs that I don't like to see especially considering I feel you're on the younger end of the age spectrum. I work with people who have had issues a lot and many of which stem from tics that I'm seeing in your interactions with other people.

dang all this stuff over virtual items thats crazy, this is wild.

mot man embaressment to frg

I dunno where the progress on this is, but try to keep comments to any new information or ideas that may come up.

- That Thrakos Noob

I got some info for you Unpoke! https://gyazo.com/07140ec1d54f5bb1a4c7e4b6491095c2 This gyazo contains very secret info so please keep it on the down low!

This is really disappointing from all parties.
- Don't gamble other peoples items.
- Stop misleading people and misinforming.

I don't appreciate liars and people who take advantage of others. This whole situation is a major mess, and I really don't know what to do. Even if Brass was home, it would be a pain to return items to their rightful owners. I feel like the easiest way out of this is to leave things be and hope you guys can move past this. That being said, I'm not letting everyone free of punishment.
The biggest thing that has bothered me about this whole situation is the fact that you(mystery) have completely disrespected staff. I specifically asked Parade to deal with you, as I have you blocked(one of very few) and you completely disregarded him. Not only that, you decided to ignore Mousey's input, and suggested you would wait till Brass is back to let him decide. YOU ARE NOT TO DECIDE WHO GETS TO HANDLE YOUR REPORTS. We have appointed people to handle complaints and problems so Brass has more time to work on the server. Now that hes away its even more crucial to have our staff help out(WE APPRECIATE ALL THE WORK YOU GUYS DO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US.)

SO this is my official statement, mystery. If you keep up your disrespectful behavior, action will be taken whether or not Brass is here.

How often do I need to remind everyone we are a G A M I N G C O M M U N I T Y? We are about having fun. Treat each other how you want to be treated. If you don't like someone, don't pay attention to them. If that's not working, block them, idc. My last piece of advice for everyone is if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.


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