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Poll: Do you enjoy being innocent multiple rounds in a row?
Only when there's an acrophobia bounty.
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Make Innocent rounds better

Innocent rounds need attention. They are the most common and most underwhelming role of TTT. Anytime I find myself getting bored of TTT, it is typically because of the lack of excitement that comes with consecutive innocent rounds. The best way to make innocent rounds more sought after, is to make them special with features unique to them. If you don't use T/D rounds, then you're most likely going to go several rounds as inno, and it can get boring on slower rounds with nothing to do but watch your back. Making things unique to innocent rounds would help make every role EQUALLY desired, instead of most hoping for T or D.

- A good idea would be to bring back a lot of expired crates, but only make them available through a rare clientside spawn similar to cogs, but it would be like a floating ? That only spawns on innocent rounds.

- Make clientside AI like the spiders, that when found can be squished for a chance at an orb. (Ts get plenty of kills and chances, most inno rounds get none.)

- Chance to find a floating locked chest of a varying rarety (common, rare, legend) that gives a 1 step challenge that can only be progressed on innocent rounds by collecting key fragments

- Innocent rounds get default double exp (most innos dont get kills)

- Innocent rounds have a 1/5 chance to spawn a random clientside crate somewhere on the map, where you must find it (exploring maps is fun, and should have more incentive)

I really enjoy finding cogs, but the payout (while worth it) takes a long time and that takes away the excitement of it. Scroll chests are exciting for the mystery of them, and more items with unknown rewards would give much more excitement. These would be giving innocents more incentive to try and stay alive, and to want to actively play.

Small note- with collecting these, there may be issues of floating collectables because of all the mobility options we have, in which id like to bring up someones (sorry on phone don't remember whos suggestion but it was good) idea of having fishing rods equipable in TTT, and one of their uses to use it to grab items found, possibly floating someonewhere unreachable by the player.

cog .


I'd support most things if it helped stop people from simply idling away. Something to keep them engaged would be more fun for everyone.

i suggest more roles.

(like town of salem kinda thing)
Hunter Role, they will be able to see everyones foot prints
and other roles like that, but only innocents can get it.

I like the idea of things spawning on the floor, pluto has tons of em and they always feel good to pick up. (Not that I've played a lot of pluto lol)

Yes, I've always said "more things for innocents to do would help TTT a lot cause your inno most of the time". I started doing more collection related stuff, but then I overdid it and people started really hating them, so I dialed it back.

I can definitely add some loot to find as innocents around the map.

Crazy idea here, but look at some of the roles in Ultimate Werewolf (it’s a card game) or Town of Salem. They have alternative roles outside of the big evil and the big solving roles. It gives something for the other players to do

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