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Poll: Change post round timer back to normal but keep the short pre round timer?
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While I do like the pre round preparing time being reduced, I don't think post round needed reduced as well. I thoroughly enjoy the post round deathmatch that ensues. It's a nice little break from normal TTT where you just get to shoot everyone still alive. Anyone else think simply reducing the pre round timer was enough and would be fine with post round timer being put back to normal?

I didn't have much of a problem with the end round timer as it gave enough time for players to trade, change equipment and other things in your inventory. Now it feels way too fast imo and next thing you know you gotta switch back and forth with your loadouts cuz its boss round and you have a few seconds to switch. Reverting it back to the normal end round timer would give some people a small break to do stuff.

This wouldn't effect boss or events, Since they have thier own timers, Personally I +1 this

I don't understand why everything has to be shortened. Wasn't the normal round time like, halved? That really killed a lot of the fun for me. You can't spend as much time as a T being smart, you gotta go dumb. But if the end round was shortened that sounds kinda sucky. If people don't like the end-round murder-spree, just alt tab for the 15 seconds its there.

I agree with this big. The end round being longer wasnt bad if you were by chance waiting to trade with someone that was still alive the whole round it provides a chance for you to do so before the next round starts big agree with glazz on that also the changing equipment or doing a scroll puzzle before round begins again.

+1 tbh

End round should definitely be upped back up.

But I'm also in the boat that rounds should be made longer, T's like me who like to take our time with kills and be crafty and smart sometimes now feel rushed and frankly pushed into the end round BS.

The only problem I can see is with players trying to use tokens or event rounds pre-round, but then again, they can do it anytime during the round. Post round doesn't need a reduce, its fast enough as is.

Honestly, post round is a large part of enjoyment in TTT from killing friends or all out brawls, post round trades also gives a moment to run and grab snacks, a drink, roll up real quick without being moved to AFK, bring back the glory of post round!

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