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FRG Discord unban appeal

(11-23-2019, 03:08 AM)Granabis Wrote:  To all who -1 this appeal, I have reasonable excuses for what happens in-game, but the discord is a total different platform
It's a discord for the server, they're directly connected, so this means nothing.

(11-23-2019, 03:08 AM)Granabis Wrote:  Regardless of what you all think. I'm entitled to having a second chance after months of doing better.
This one I'll award you 1 yike

(11-23-2019, 03:08 AM)Granabis Wrote:  so I can prove that I'm not the shit rat that everyone is making me out to be.

No such thing as a shit rat, can we ban this HUMAN for the slander? Next thing you know he's going to be saying ratta with a hard R.

(11-23-2019, 03:08 AM)Granabis Wrote:  To all who -1 this appeal, I have reasonable excuses for what happens in-game

This here Granabis tells me you do not fully understand your actions and how they effect others and yourself. You should not have excuses for what happens with in game toxicity, you should have the maturity to handle situations in a reasonable manner including but not limited to not taking bait and getting into voice/text arguments with other players and especially staff, properly reaching out to staff when you have a something to report or give your view point on (forums and admin chat), not being toxic and continuing an issue when other players have dropped it and moved on. You have a tough time accepting that not everyone likes each other and if you dont have anything positive to say just dont say it. I cannot tell you how many people have talked shit directly to me and while im not around. Yet I have never taken an issue to the servers to solve it, hell most the time I dont even uphold reports on people who rdm me or whatever it may be. I just educate them for future because its just a game. Honestly what I do is say to myself, this is a video game, why be upset over a game when I have more important things in life to worry on. We all get triggered but its how you handle yourself in these moments that really show who we are as a person. So going forward try to take this as advice and not an attack and move forward with the practices in place. If we can do so and make progress I think you will have a better chance in future. Feel free to reach out to me anytime if needed.

To everyone else only leave feedback if you have credible feedback to give not your opinion on other matters unrelated to this appeal. Thank you.

(11-23-2019, 03:08 AM)Granabis Wrote:  I'm entitled to having a second chance after months of doing better.
Who the hell says you've been doing better? Every day more and more people block you since they think you're being toxic.
Of course you will get into less arguments when there's no one to argue with.

Yeah hard disagree there. I hopped on like a week or two ago and was met with your constant shit talking of someone who was calling Mousey every thirty to forty seconds to discuss a trade. Whenever someone tried to intervene, you proceed to shit talk them. You aren’t “entitled” to a second chance, no one is. Grow up and stop having meaningless arguments about fuck-all. -1 Do not unban from discord

I haven't really had any problems with him as I'm trying to work on my toxicity, but you really need to calm down. You take simple insults way too seriously. Just block people if they insult you. My opinion doesn't really matter that much considering I'm in the same situation as Granabis, but I think we could try giving him a second chance in the discord, and if this same shit happens just boot from the discord again without a chance of him coming back.


- That Thrakos Noob

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