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AlienCrafters Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): AlienCrafter

Time played on servers? (!time username to check):
69 hours (As for why I'm applying now)

Where did you hear about this server?:
I heard about this server from my friend NoFace and his video about it after he left moat

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Why do you want to join?:
I really like this server and its inventory system with all the cool things it adds, crafting and stackable crates, along with spin2win and the fact that there's a lobby server where you can fish! This server is awesome and I want to become more apart with it.

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Additional Details:
My time is based on my TTT time and my lobby time plus boss time.
Im creating (Fine-tuning) a steam workshop collection with all the maps and wanted people to know about it to help put out any flaws in it.

Alien is a nice guy, even if he’s a little overbearing at times. The map collection he’s making is cool too. +1
Umpty Dumpty

He's a gamer, what else is there to say? +1

Doesnt throw that often. +1

cool guy, also cool map collection +1

nice guy, put effort into that map collection. +1

Known him since moat and I've never had any issues with him, honestly haven't noticed him here that often but maybe it's just me.


+1 never had a problem with him having cool people as member is always a plus in my eyes.

+1 good man deserve member man.

Why not he’s a good boy +1

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