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Hircine - Membership Application

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): Hircine

Time played on servers? (!time username to check): 110 hours in total on server

Where did you hear about this server?: Moat Gaming

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope!

Why do you want to join?: I feel that this community actually puts time into the server instead of just being all about one thing. Not to mention all of the cool staff and community members!

Referred by:

Additional Details: Even though I've only been a part of FRG for a short while, I love everything FRG has to offer. From boss fights to actually unique guns, this server keeps the content flowing! Keep up the good work and thank you for your time reading this!

member dont mean much, so it dont really matter if he gets it or not, but i thought i'd put a piece of mind here, and it may sound weird coming from me but... this kid has done nothing but complained, now the same can be said for a lot of people, but a lot of those people who complain are long time community members or mentally disabled, but you've been here for 52 hours... and you've dont legit noting but complain and be toxic, i have a bind of you telling ace to fuck himself cause he didnt let you get a present, you've been here for such a short amount of time and i havent heard one positive/reasonbale thing come from your mouth
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

Cheny really does have a point, you seem very negative.

Agreed with cheny. Everytime I've seen something not go your way, you've kept on complaining. Litterally every round where you get killed, you somehow find a way to complain about it.

most of the time I get killed, it's via KOS off location. And when I do complain its mostly due to the fact nothing gets done about the report. Also, people seem to love calling me a "Moat player" even though I have cut ties with them many weeks ago. Discrimination for playing on an old server is something that I don't like about FRG. If players got slain for rdm, I wouldn't complain. Simple as that!

Also, I ain't a kid cheny, so please refrain from calling people that!

(12-22-2019, 04:54 AM)Hircine Wrote:  Also, people seem to love calling me a "Moat player" even though I have cut ties with them many weeks ago. Discrimination for playing on an old server is something that I don't like about FRG.
I've never seen a single peson call you a moatman, and if you don't like what someone is calling you, theres an ingame block command (!block) and you can also block people on discord.
(12-22-2019, 04:54 AM)Hircine Wrote:  If players got slain for rdm, I wouldn't complain. Simple as that!
This is more of a community server, not as many people are petty enough to keep reports like they were on moat.
(12-22-2019, 04:54 AM)Hircine Wrote:  Also, I ain't a kid cheny, so please refrain from calling people that!
As long as it isn't toxic, offensive, etc., im pretty sure he can call you/anyone whatever he wants. Same thing above, if you dont like what they're calling you, block them

cant block on forum post!

no one called you a moatman on this forum post

people don't call you a moatman because you've played there. they call you that because you fit the babyraging manchild description of what a stereotypical moatman is.

Oh god quarantine this thread it's heading south CODE RED CODE RED.

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