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I have an issue.

There is no fucking way I'm alone on this. There has to be at least ONE other self aware gambler on this fucking server.
I have a problem and it keeps showing it's disgusting face in the form of a 50/50 addiction. I hate it and I don't want it.
Oh what's that I finally grinded up 50k? Wow that's halfway to 100k! If I just win a 50/50 I'll get there and then bank it.
Then 1 of 2 things happen. 1 I win and get 100k. So it stops there then? No because then I gamble that as well "Wow 200k is better than 100k".
Or 2 I lose and I think "Man I must get that 50k back that was a dumb gamble" so I take from my stashed coins. And I lose and I lose and I lose.
Over and over. It's a vicious cycle and I personally really struggle to break out of it. No high is ever good enough and every low leaves me more and more depressed.
I know to a non-addict this just sounds retarded. "Just quit you retard" and I do quit. For a day maybe 2. But then you get that feeling that you could have more, that you could double it all.
And It grows and it grows and it grows. It doesn't stop and it consumes you. I hate it and I don't want that looming presence when I'm just trying to have fun.
50/50 is toxic for people like me, and I just need to know if I am alone in this or if there are other people like me here.
I want a ban system for the 50/50 so that people like me don't have to get that itch anymore. It wasn't an issue prior to the implementation of the system and I want to go back to those days.
It really is wearing on me and I hate it.


I think instead of a self-ban almost like an iron man for gambling, there could be a limit set that takes 1 hour to implement and once that hour is up you have to reconfirm the change of the limit. This is because gambling small amounts when your bored isnt what we are talking about, its losing all ur shit.

I can feel you here since up until around level 50-70 i never had anything in my inventory for over a week due to me flash selling everything to gamble it, lets not talk about how much money ive spent csgo gambling where the only thing ive ever recieved from it is a 20$ Yugioh Box Set... (I also flash sold stuff to buy cases/buy other cool weapons I havent had before when 50/50 wasnt around since im a genius)
Because of this i always think in the back of my head, is this money im willing to lose, if so dont bitch when you will lose it (Not a diss my bad if it comes out like that). The only reason I think like this is because ive been online gambling since 7th grade or so, always frugally.

Learn self control. Use this as a good learning experience. I haven't touched 50/50 ever since I lost 2.2mill.

(12-22-2019, 05:21 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  Learn self control. Use this as a good learning experience. I haven't touched 50/50 ever since I lost 2.2mill.
I think you underestimate just how rough it is to be addicted to gambling. You can't just stop, it's like trying to tell a smoker or an alcoholic to just quit.
From the outside looking it it looks and sounds silly, but it is a legitimate problem and that's why so many companies capitalize on it.
I simply cannot stop the itch to gamble it all away and 50/50 on here is just such a gateway to it, that's why I want HELP from Brass by disabling it so I don't keep doing to to myself.
It's self-destructive behaviour and I will need professional help to actually work through it.

Just...don't do it then? I don't understand what the problem is. Its a video game. You're not losing anything. Honestly, man, it just sounds REALLY cringey.

(12-22-2019, 08:10 PM)Terran Wrote:  Just...don't do it then? I don't understand what the problem is. Its a video game. You're not losing anything. Honestly, man, it just sounds REALLY cringey.
Come on man, literally just TRY to read. As for what I'm losing? Mostly it's my enjoyment. I spend multiple hours a day just playing and trying to earn coins and cool items, doing so I spend time and effort. Gambing addiction is just a lose/lose situation since it's NEVER enough. No matter how much I win I always want more and every time I lose I want it back. The itch to gamble doesn't go away and I feel that the only way to make it subside is if I'm not able to do it to myself, hence why I want the system to not be available to me. Calling it cringey is also really rude in my opinion. This is a real problem I'm struggling with and diminishing it by calling it cringey is just really... low. What you also need to realize is that this isn't a strictly FRG issue for me, it bleeds through into everything. CS:GO cases, betting sites shit like that. The thing that differentiates this from that is that there could actually be a difference made here.

Moved to general because I'm an idiot.

(12-22-2019, 11:56 PM)Grassx Wrote:  Moved to general because I'm an idiot.

It's okay I thought it was a joke too at the startHuhCry

Yeah gambling is a serious addiction, I think we all know this, or should at least. Rather real life or a game, people with a gambling problem will definitely be weak to the temptation of gambling, and it works way too good (look at CSGO, TF2, Hearthstone I’m assuming with card pack, pretty much in any game, like literally any game).

You can’t just stop an addiction, it’s on the same level as quitting smoking.
I think there should be a ban system to 5050, like ironmen accounts.

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