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BuckGup - RDM x3 and Leave

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): BuckGup

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:67926752

Map the event happened on: ttt_castle_2011_v3_night

Date of event: March 29th

What Happened?: He RDM'd three people...And left. All of them were "Because I had suspicion".

Witnesses: Dreadark, Glitch

Notes: First, I aslay'd him twice for two reports, hence two RDM's, but learned he killed a third man, and then left the game after marking him to be slain. I do -NOT- have evidence of him leaving, since my Gmod semi-crashed/went all crazy.

We really need more active staff. I couldn't find a a single person to send this evidence to for a ban, like I usually do.


+1 perma ban please. I was there. I dunno if the last kill was rdm but 2 were sor sure.

Permabanned for Mass Rdm and Leave. I see the 2 autoslays and clearly enough evidence to prove he doesn't want to be here. If there was any confusion I'll post it in his ban reason, so he knows where to post a ban appeal.

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