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Not a suggestion, just a thought.

A loaning system would be pretty neat for FRG. You know, "Hand a guy a gun and he gives it back eventually", but without the "He might never give it back" or "hasta la vista, baby" and you can never contact him again. That's shit, right? Well, as I said in the title, I'm not suggesting anything like that.

Everyone will run into a situation where they need cash. Coins. Money. Dead presidents. Greenbacks. Canadian play money. Now, what do you do if you can't scrounge up coins? You either trade or rely on luck. There's the liquidation option, of course, but unless you're desperate for something you're not going to sell your Lunar M16 in a desperate grab.

I was thinking of starting a loans system. Nothing complicated, no bullshit, just that I give you some cash if you need it and you pay me back within a certain amount of time with a little bonus. No interest, of course. Say 5%. You need 500 coins. I can give you those 500 coins. Two weeks pass, you have 525 coins, you pay me the 500+5%, which is 525 coins. Biddy baddy boom, business was just made and smackaroos passed around the table like poker chips in a children's only Texas Hold-Em game. In the eventual case that they take too long to pass the dough, what should be done? Should the "No Interest" rule be broken after a set period of time?

However, I have no guarantees. I have no trust. I have no way to confirm that I will ever see money that I give out again. Why? Because of human nature. People forget. People exaggerate, or under exaggerate, or simply decide that they don't have to be obligated to give a damn. There we go, instantaneous combustion of my sole plan for greedy, infinite profit.

I'd like to think of a way to establish a system of trust. A way to guarantee repayment, without actually bothering the top brass (there's that pun again) to jimmy us up a dealer system on the quick. So, I'm here. For opinions, for ideas, for this thread to be ignored, for my own judgement. What do you think? Yes, you. You. How could a system of trust be established? A "Borrow - Wait - Return" set of procedures that doesn't leave nobody hanging with some pocket lint and dimes.

Post what you think, how you think about it and why you read this thread up to this point. Because, let's be serious. TL;DR, right? Right.

What a jewish idea.

When you send a trade you have two options one will be to trade another option would be temporary one player would press temporary while the other player either gives weapons, coins, or they just temp trade a gun for another temp traded gun. After you do this (READ THE NEXT SENTENCE THIS IS SUPPOSED TO COME AFTER THE REQUESTED TIME) it warns you THIS IS A TEMPORARY TRADE ARE YOU SURE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ACCEPT!!!! However, right before you do this you two set up a time limit from 1 hour- 1 week. After the time period the temp traded item will return back to the owners inventory. It was hard to explain this not sure if I did to well.

In short you either click temp trade, trade then said a time limit and finally receive a warning to except the temp traded weps could have a flag next to them and they will be locked, so that you can not remove them. Also with this you can temp trade multiple items at the same time.

Could mean a good system of loaning things to make profit. Would add a lot more to the "Market" of sorts.

Seems like a solid idea. It has very many pros, such as:
Loaning a weapon to a friend, with no downsides. ( Bans, etc )
Loaning weapons to other players without the idea of them buying it. ( Renting weapons )
Loaning weapons to potential buyers so they can see if it's really good or not.

It could even go down to:
Loaning a friend your crystal so they can charge it, which is pointless in itself as you can already trade over the guns to charge it, but it still has the potential.

I feel that this could make the community grow much closer. The trust between players will definitely increase. but it's not just that, the pricing system will also greatly benefit from this. The more the community learns about realistic pricing ( Interest, etc ) the better the pricing system gets.

TLBig GrinR Welcome to runescape

If loaning weapons was a thing...

Me: Image

(03-28-2015, 09:23 PM)Baggins Wrote:  What a jewish idea.

Finally someone else understands Terran and his elongated nose

For example, I loaned 300-some coins to Derp, and he pays me 5% extra. (Hopefully soon.) Muwahahahaha. As an additional cruelty, I demanded collateral! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

(03-31-2015, 04:06 PM)SilentSpy Wrote:  
(03-28-2015, 09:23 PM)Baggins Wrote:  What a jewish idea.

Finally someone else understands Terran and his elongated nose

Arent you actually jewish tho
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

(03-31-2015, 08:55 PM)TheEpicZephyr Wrote:  
(03-31-2015, 04:06 PM)SilentSpy Wrote:  
(03-28-2015, 09:23 PM)Baggins Wrote:  What a jewish idea.

Finally someone else understands Terran and his elongated nose

Arent you actually jewish tho

That's why I know Terran best <3
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

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