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Cobaltgeo: Unban Request 2.

Steam Name (Current): Empresscobalt ☭⚧Ⓐ moat.gg

Steam Name (During incident): Cobaltgeo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56558580

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073382889/

Name of staff you were banned by: No Clue.

Length of the ban: Perma-Ban

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either, I'm a patient person, I could even wait a whole nother year if its wanted.

Reason for ban: Repeated Toxicity, Racism, Severely Problematic

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I did

What really happened?: People were saying very transphobic remarks and instead of simply talking to a staff member I decided to take things into my own hands and proceeded to fight bigotry... with bigotry my racial slurs and remarks were absolutely horrid and I'm so sorry and basically the server had enough of my bullshit because of all the problems I caused in my past with the sr,paps incident and all these stupid little incidents and I'm so sorry for all of the stupid shit I've done in my past

Additional details:I know I've gotten lots of chances, I'm sorry if my last ban appeal seemed a bit of a pity call I should further elaborate on what I mean basically, My meds have helped me well be more normal? as normal as I can be. I barely get angry now a days due to my abilify (mood stabilizers) and basically that means less... Outbursts or stupid shit, however you would describe my past nonsense.I've truly changed I know I say that a lot but I'm an adult now and I've gone through tough shit that has changed my character I've gotten a girlfriend too which I know might sound stupid but its really made me much happier which also means I would be less depressed which also means no shitty incidents I know its only been about 3 months since my last ban appeal but honestly I really want to get into a good community again, moats is awful its so boring and I just want to play TTT on a good server so please, give me one final chance if I fuck up (which I most likely will not) just permaban me again, whats the worst that could happen?

With all due respect, it's been a little bit over a month since you made your last appeal... With that in mind and the feedback the community gave you gives me the impression that it's going to take much longer than a month before they decide to give you another chance.

I would take this advice and maybe try again in 6+ months honestly, that would probably be your best bet, assuming you have any chance at another chance. Due to you having many many chances and proceeding to still leave a sour taste in the communities mouth.

With that though, I do wish the best for you and anything you wish to further do in the future, but sometimes it's best to just move on and start over?

P.S.: When I say a month, I mean a month since his denial.

Since i didnt know what were the incidents about, i looked at the old unban request you've made and itLooks like you've been given multiples chances to be better on the server but it always ended with you being toxic and getting banned.

And here you are already saying that "If you fuck up again" we can just ban you, again...so you are not even sure that you will behave properly.

-1 for unban

tbh once brass fixes the warning system fully, slap a permanent 100% warning on cobalt and call it a day. (can play but not speak even on discord)

you could enjoy the content without horrifically fucking your chance up by how you interact with others.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

(02-09-2020, 10:49 PM)Link Wrote:  tbh once brass fixes the warning system fully, slap a permanent 100% warning on cobalt and call it a day. (can play but not speak even on discord)

you could enjoy the content without horrifically fucking your chance up by how you interact with others.

Honestly would be okay with this although harsh.

I still think that for both your sake and ours as a community, you should just move on from FRG.

In the short tenure for which we both played in FRG, I never really had or saw a single positive interaction with you. Pretty much only negatives.
Culminating with when you told Jerome that his ancestors should've been lynched and linked him a bunch of lynching pictures.


Your attitude to people and the server was not acceptable and to put it in better words with the highest and upmost respect, fucked up.

And what Donger said, you should move on

You just seem to have a tendency to say the most incorrect possible thing in any given situation. I’m not sure what triggers that, but when you aren’t going after someone at the drop of a hat, you’re actually a very funny person, which upsets me that you aren’t truly reflecting on this. Before any possible chances are given to you again, you should make sure that you aren’t prone to those kinds of outbursts. Get yourself in order, take the right meds, or whatever it is you need, just get off the crazy train! If nothing else, give it some time before potentially making the same mistakes.
Umpty Dumpty

+1 I support unban, people change, stop living in the past and realize that everyone changes, and that y'all need to forgive people from what they have done in the past against you.
SG Fucking Overlord

(02-15-2020, 04:43 AM)God, The Furry Killer Wrote:  +1 I support unban, people change, stop living in the past and realize that everyone changes, and that y'all need to forgive people from what they have done in the past against you.
The problem with that is he HAS been forgiven about 50 times and has not shown any improvement. There are times when the person needs to move on if the environment is going to evoke toxicity. Particularly for their own sake and the people in the environment. I do not support an unban.

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