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Harassment from tommygunwade

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Tommygunwade

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:522097087

Map the event happened on: Christmastown

Date of event: 04/20/2020 around midnight GMT, dont know about the time in US

What Happened?:The event has been today on christmastown, i was a traitor with hockeyfn and tommy blasted me for no reason ans hockey for association. I reported him asking why he killed me, he answered "false report" and when Dreadark (member+) asked him the reason of my killing, he said that i had a traitor item, which was a lie as you can see on the screenshot. When i pointed out the fact that he lied, he answered "who gives a shit" and left before Dreadark handled the report.

It's not the first time tommy has been a happy trigger toward me, he doesnt like me and its his right, but i have done nothing to him that justify the fact to ruin my games. Before that event a few days ago, on highrise, he was turning into a zombie and he killed me (innocent) because "since he was a turning into a zombie, i would have been a threat to him after", I also made a report but it has never been handeled.

I'm sorry but he can't act like that toward somebody and just get away with that.

Witnesses: Dreadark/ Hockeyfn

Proof: Image


I did manage to get Beebee to add a slay onto him, but I agree tommy was acting really strange and immature here. Not sure what his problem is.

Thanks Dreadark!

I'm not calling for a punishment, just that he gets some sense in his head and behave properly, he doesnt like me? fine, just block me and play the game fairly

Over the past couple nights I've seen multiple reports made by tommy in which he has blatantly lied in order to try to get people slayed (ignoring being told after that logs clearly show hes lying,) and even going as far as responding a single misclick as an "attempted mass rdm ban him." I dont know why he has been doing this but he is definitely in need of a stern warning.

Glad to see i'm not the only one

He lies and RDMs constantly. No clue why he's like that

I'm not sure what it is with this guy but he literally reports and complains every time he's killed and then also rdms people.

not sure what this guys problem is but as of the last few days he's just been a total dickhead, he's just being the most petty and sarcastic player you can imagine, someone needs to deal with him asap.
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

On almost every occasion that i've killed him for a valid reason around association he's reported me about it. And basically every time i've never gotten slain, though after this he gets very heated and likes to make sure everyone knows that i "should have been slain". But anytime anyone reports him he gets even more heated.

Nothing should be done to him or even can be done, he just needs to know he needs to chill

This guy makes ridiculous reports, but then kills people for the stupidest reasons, throw a grenade off the edge of a map and he will kill you for it. kill him for him blasting a guy and he will report you for it, just an annoyance to play with ruins half the fun on the server

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