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never playing ttt again.

got my first ever karma ban/ban on any ntg related server due to my broken suffix doing infinite damage even when the person is dead, and kuro/terran karma baiting me.

uninstalled gmod, leaving the internet

i cant live with myself.


You got so brutally rekt.

You had it coming

I take it as policy when I see someone with 500 karma to help them gently leave the server


Fag :> <3 :><:>:<:>:<>:<:>:<:>:<:>
Sample Text.

Banned for calling this NTG related. Also reported, And your name has been written on the board.

(11-26-2014, 07:23 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Banned for calling this NTG related. Also reported, And your name has been written on the board.

No!!! If I be quiet for 5 minutes and finish my work will you erase it?!?!

hahah karma bans are literally nothing so gg
Oh Hey...it's me C:


I'll take your slot :-)

I think this is ready to finally go to the old sub-section

Bump for Old Section!

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