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yisyas Ban Appeal V2

Steam Name (Current):
Steam Name (During incident):
Chaxter Brown
Steam ID:
Steam Profile Link:
Name of staff you were banned by:
Nil (console)
Length of the ban:
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:
I would like either to be honest, as long as i can play the server again
Reason for ban:
Nil (Cheating)
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:
Yes, I admit to cheating.
What really happened?:
So, I know this isnt the same story as the last appeal, so im going to be truthful now and tell you what and why I did it. I had some daily challenges and I really needed to get this monthly lightsaber. So, I used some cheat to help me complete these challenges.
Additional details:
Sorry for cheating on the server. You can trust me, Citizenhack is no longer working. I really think i deserve another chance. I was banned quite a while back.

Unfortunately it's always been the policy that cheaters are never ever ever unbanned no matter what.

is wand of rejuvi rare now? cuz i still have one

(10-23-2020, 11:51 PM)YisYas Wrote:  is wand of rejuvi rare now? cuz i still have one

weird thing to reply with...

anyways, cheaters cannot be unbanned. sorry dude.

im getting there im getting there dw guys will be unbanned soon

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