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Membership Application - Jack Moloney

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): Jack Moloney

Time played on servers?: 105 hours and 30 minutes.

Where did you hear about this server?: I stumbled upon it myself on accident. I was trying to find some good TTT servers to play on that weren't vanilla and I found Forerunner Gaming.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No.

Why do you want to join?: I like the tight community and how everybody knows each other. I think that it's really great and that it should be something that most TTT servers have.

Referred by: Nobody.

Additional Details: I'm still relatively new to the server when it comes to the economy and the crafting system, so please don't snap my neck immediately if I ask any questions.

-1 I've seen you twice and have barely any idea who you are. The first time I saw you you never said anything. The second time I saw you you killed me with no hesitation without any kos, as although I was a traitor, I killed a dude who shot me first, and you instantly killed me without chance of iding. After I tried talking to you about it you refused to listen and insisted you were right, which was frustrating. Admittedly it was decided not to slay you, but how you went about it by your responses and how you refused to see my side of it it left a sour taste in my mouth.

(10-25-2020, 09:34 AM)Randall Wrote:  -1 I've seen you twice and have barely any idea who you are. The first time I saw you you never said anything. The second time I saw you you RDMed me as although I was a traitor, I killed a dude who shot me first, and you instantly killed me without chance of iding. After I tried talking to you about it you refused to listen and insisted you were right, which was frustrating.

You've only seen me for two times because I don't usually play this late. I never 'said' anything in voice chat because I didn't want to disturb others sleeping in my house.

Also when I tried explaining to you that it was a valid reason to kill you and not RDM, you called me a "brick wall." I never refused to listen, I was simply correcting you and stating all the reasons to kill you over the person that started shooting. The moderator in the game at the time (KTHUNK) agreed with my correction and didn't give me a slay.

(10-25-2020, 09:34 AM)Randall Wrote:  -1 I've seen you twice and have barely any idea who you are. The first time I saw you you never said anything. The second time I saw you you RDMed me as although I was a traitor, I killed a dude who shot me first, and you instantly killed me without chance of iding. After I tried talking to you about it you refused to listen and insisted you were right, which was frustrating.

I mean... to add to this I handled the report and concluded that no slay was in order.

+1 Seen him on a lot recently, hasn't caused any problems.

better than most kids who play the server, haven't had any problems i can think of with him in regards to reports or RDM

Been playing with him recently, doesnt seem toxic or annoying. Fine kid. +1

I think he's an alright dude, I've enjoyed playing with him and he doesn't really cause any issues from what I've seen. +1

Played a few times with him. Pretty poggers! +1

A nice fella as far as i know (Only cause i steal his 5050') +1

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