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AcroTheDruff - membership application


Steam Name(Current):AcroTheDruff

Time played on servers?:49h total playtime for lobby ttt is 64h

Where did you hear about this server?:browseing the gmod for ttt server and i found it

Have you ever been banned and why?: nope i didnt

Why do you want to join?:cause it has different than other ttt and its amazing

Referred by:none

Additional Details:i am still learning how to do craft and stuff and asylum and iod

-1 I honestly have no idea who you are. I've never seen you before.

Guy's alright, I remember him from ntg iirc. Don't really see him too often so I can't say if he causes issues or not, I doubt he would based on what I can recall. +1 unless I see something that makes me change my mind.

The few times i have played with you you have been a bit toxic including one time saying "mods = dust catcher cause they dont do anything" when a report didn't go your way so from my experiences I'm gonna have to say -1 but if i keep playing with you and you are a cool guy ill def change this to a +1

Alright yeah I was checking to see if I was the only guy who had had an experience like that or not. But then again it's hard to tell if he was joking or not esp since he's not a native english speaker. I'll leave it at a +0 but like Seal said up there that is something I've also experienced.

I don't see them on very much TBH. If this changes and no more situations like the ones previously mentioned pop up, I don't see a reason not to +1. So far, +0.

+0 I haven't had any negative encounters with them yet, mainly because I think I've seen them like twice maybe if I see them more I'd be able to gauge whether or not they'd be a good member

+1 havnt had any issues with them

+1, I haven't seen them cause any issues from what I have seen so far

+1 Acro bacro tabaco, i dont know what i was going but yes you are good

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