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Ruastin: Membership Application

Age: 26

Steam Name(Current): Ruastin

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
Your play time for FRG IoD is 8 Hours 51 Minutes 50 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Asylum is 0 Hours 32 Minutes 59 Seconds
Your play time for Zombie Survival is 0 Hours 0 Minute 0 Second
Your play time for Trouble in Terrorist Town is 172 Hours 48 Minutes 9 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Event is 4 Hours 9 Minutes 51 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Survive is 7 Hours 7 Minutes 3 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Lobby is 98 Hours 58 Minutes 15 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Boss Rush is 0 Hours 0 Minute 0 Second
Your play time for Base Game mode is 0 Hours 0 Minute 0 Second

Where did you hear about this server?: Tarrasque introduced me about 3-4 years ago, after the fall of NTG, I was lost on what to do and came back at the start of October this year for fun and decided to stay

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that I can recall

Why do you want to join?: Honestly this server is the most fun i've had on Gmod in a long time, it was getting stale just playing TTT over and over so to have option to do different things in the same server is amazing as well as the fact that there are so many helpful people. Anytime I feel lost in what to do or keep someone is always there to lend assistance or advice and not just scoff at you for not knowing anything

Additional Details: None that I can note

+1 Honestly thought they were already member, but they definitely should be.

Generally furries tend to be not my type of people, but I defo think that Ruastin is fit to be a member. Causes no issues and is generally a pretty chill dude! +1

+1 for lover of russian's queen, really helpful toward peoples

hes a furry, but hes an alright furry Smile +1

hes a furry but its okay +1

hes a furry but its okay +1

stop using torment Smile

+1 very active

hes a furry but its okay +1

is also tormented abuser

Plays a lot and is not an unpleasant presence, +1

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