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Jed Summers [Targeted Douchebaggery of the Discriminative Kind]

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Jed Summers (though his name on Discord at time of writing is Skike - Jed Summers#8142)

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:79991060

Map the event happened on: Not Available, all of the incidents took place in the FRG Discord

Date of event: 28th of October + 9th of November + 22nd of November + 3rd of December (today)

What Happened?: So I've noticed in the span of the past month or so that Jed Summers seems to enjoy taking the piss out of me for being British...or rather, I would be mentioning something or talking about something and all of a sudden he's butting in to tell me "begone British" (first evidence pic) or "british people arent entitled to opinions" (second evidence pic).
I usually let this slide, accounting for the fact that a few members of the FRG community have an invulnerable hateboner for British people - judging by how often they bring it up and how many comments, regardless of how rude they are, they make regarding my teeth/accent or why I should move to the US - but recently it got to a point where he decided, as a "funny joke", to ping me completely out of nowhere without any provocation just to show me a video literally titled "ew british person", whereupon I asked him to cut his bullshittery out.
Today he continued with his bullshittery so I more or less had enough and decided to make a relatively big fuss about it. He soon pieced together from me pinging him while grabbing his SteamID that I was going to report him and when I brought this up to him in PMs, he gave me the go-ahead to make the report against him because he wasn't going to stop doing it.
You wished for this, you cocky son of a gun. Hope you're proud of yourself.

Witnesses: Nytemart + a few others in each of the evidence pics who either didn't bother stepping in or defended him and his poor decision-making

Begone British + (Message Link)
british people arent entitled to opinions + (Message Link)
unprovoked ping + (Message Link)
my reaction to unprovoked ping + (Message Link)
Jed continuing despite my warning + (Message Link)  (tbf this one's not as bad as the rest but sometimes all you need is a little nudge)
He wants to be reported! (occurred in PMs so no message link here)

If it bothers you, is constant, and negatively effects your enjoyment of the server, it IS a problem, no ifs or buts about it. Years back I had the same issue, with a few people literally having hail satan binds they'd spam when I was on.
It doesn't have to offend you to be annoying. If some prick sees you being bothered by something, you can bet your money he's going to keep doing it. Worse still, others are just going to think it's just two people joking around, and will join in on the 'teasing'.
Umpty Dumpty

I'm gonna retract my earlier statement and put better feedback.

Yes, harassment is a problem, but is it really affecting your in-game experience? Would it stop with the !block feature? I see harassment more as following you around in game and killing you every T round, randomly rdming you, etc. If its simply a verbal/text issue the block feature is perfect for it. Of course you don't have to use it, you can report it still, however I don't think this should have been made public. You shouldn't be getting harassed, that's for sure, but I don't think it was a good idea to make a thread for it. Now all you're doing is showing everyone that saying stuff like this is going to get to you, and it'll probably happen more now. Harassment issues, especially ones like this one, should be handed privately with the staff team, its just better for everyone in the long run.

Also to add on a bit to this, I can positively say that the british jokes that people say in general are just to be edgy, i don't believe that anyone actually hates british people, MAYBE aside from 1 or 2 of them. If you show people you get offended by something, they're gonna keep doing it, that's just how the world works, especially the internet.

I think these incidents specifically cross the line into harassment-lite because theyre targeted specifically at you and are about your nationality. that's not really up for debate.


I find that you, Manegunner, often take great offense to banter at your expense. which is totally fine, and makes sense, if you don't like banter. However, you still banter back with me, with other people, and etc, and it feels like you "dish it but you can't take it." I hope that's not a harsh assessment, but I think you'd do very well to shrug off a lot more of the things people say to you, especially if the things you say to other people could be taken similarly by them.

This seems to be a problem that we've been having on FRG for a while.
I don't personally believe what has been displayed was THAT bad, however, I also personally haven't been the target of harassment of that kind before.

I remember a little while back while talking to Brass, it seemed there was quite a large complaint of anti-EU player behavior that forced away a significant potential for a playerbase that we could/could have grown into. It seems that it is a problem that's beyond "banter" to these players, and is something that requires attention.
The staff team has agreed to this unanimously. There's no reason to make these kinds of discriminatory jokes. They should not be tolerated.

I hope this serves as a warning to further than just Jed to cut it out.
Him being the first one will be issued a severe warning, as beyond discriminatory jokes it's also targeted harassment. Any further issues with this and stronger actions will take place.


- That Thrakos Noob

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