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Poll: Bring back minigames?
Please bring them back
Bring them back but rework them
Hell no just TTT for me
Don't care
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Should Minigames Make a Comeback

As the title suggests should we bring back minigames in any capacity?

They were removed ages ago because people complained about them interrupting the flow of ttt but with the way things are now I think they could certainly freshen things up.

Please vote on the poll and post your thoughts and feelings on the matter

Minigames should of never gone away, it makes ttt full of sweaty tryhards that prefer to never have fun.

When I heard they were removed, I was sad because they were always fun to me even if I did complain.

brought back but not necessarily the set that used to be on, as much as a more ttt-oriented set (stuff like round mods to mobility or "protect the president" rounds)

I always enjoyed the minigame rounds, years ago they were a competitive way to get extra crates or coins. Nowadays the rewards are meaningless but for example bouncy rounds having a chance to drop bouncy weapons is genius in my opinion. It gives a players a break from TTT just to have fun and do something different for a round, but at the same time in the back of everyones head they are thinking "ooooo I could go for this bouncy drop". The best way for me to compare it is with the ultra giveaway rounds at the end of maps. Nobody REALLY needs the crates, but they are more interested in the underlying loot you don't always get.

I tried my best to explain my thoughts on it, I also don't play much TTT to have a solid opinion.. tbh I didn't even know the minigames were taken out hehe
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Yesss I miss minigame rounds now its NOTHING but TTT the chests addition adds a bit of breathing room but minigames would be really nice to just take a break from the onslaught of TTT Round after TTT Round

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