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Durin's Barrage

Durin's Barrage


Primary slot Melee Weapon

Bimonthly / Xmas Pass Prim

+20% Mobility.

"A relic of Durin's own, left to those enlightened enough to wield them"

Hold Left click to punch opponents, dealing 20 damage per hit. You punch at 6 punches per second.

Hold right-click to charge up an explosive punch, dealing 125 damage (enough to one tap vit crystal users) and healing for 80% of damage dealt. Holding a charged punch slightly slows you, and has a visual and audio cue. Explosive punches have a slightly longer recovery time before you can go back to punching/charging.

Click E to perform a dash. While dashing, dodge any incoming ranged weapon damage (but not melee). Left-click to end a dash early and attack. Dashing cancels attack recoveries. Dashes with these gauntlets are like trib dashes, not like warrior dashes. I want them to be short-ranged to be able to close small distances. Again, you only dodge ranged damage during the dash.

After dealing 100 damage, your next dash is upgraded to a lethal dash. While you're in a lethal dash, right-click to end the dash and instantly use an explosive punch. Kills/100 Damage Dealt with a lethal dash punch instantly recharges your lethal dash. Lethal dashes have the old warrior dash effect (After images behind the person dashing)

Getting a kill with explosive punches turns the victim into a skeleton just like Executioner's Axe does.

Durin's Bane set bonus: Explosive punches will explode with the effect of the grenade slotted in Durin's Bane.

Try to use an explosive punch to quickly charge your lethal dash, then cancel the explosive punch recovery by dashing and chain your dashes by killing multiple targets.

In PvE, an explosive punch should be enough damage to start lethal dashes, if you can keep cancelling your recoveries and attack with dashes constantly this weapon should be able to do top tier DPS. Using this against mobs though can be strong, however dashing into enemies in trib/hardmode dilap especially can be extremely risky.

This seems waaaaaay too powerful.. super high mobi + high damage primary attack + insanely high firerate + undetectable instakill secondary attack that can't be countered by any amount of health + it heals you + you can dash + that dash gives you invincibility + chain attack instant recharge + set bonus that heals you again and deals more unavoidable damage

The only downside being what? It's in your primary slot?

(11-22-2021, 08:13 PM)Not John Smith Wrote:  The only downside being what? It's in your primary slot?

that's an appropriate downside considering you cant shoot with these.

seems really good, would play out like a fighting game character or like Doomfist I think, +1

(11-22-2021, 08:13 PM)Not John Smith Wrote:  This seems waaaaaay too powerful.. super high mobi + high damage primary attack + insanely high firerate + undetectable instakill secondary attack that can't be countered by any amount of health + it heals you + you can dash + that dash gives you invincibility + chain attack instant recharge + set bonus that heals you again and deals more unavoidable damage

The only downside being what? It's in your primary slot?

Mobi is high because that and a small dash are your only gap closers, the primary attack takes a bit over a full second to kill someone with a good vit crystal which is DEFINITELY not high damage. Charging the secondary would have an audio cue + a visual cue like a railgun and the dash only gives you ranged weapon invincibility and there's multiple melees that can easily counter someone dashing in a straight line towards you.

Primary slot is also a big trade off, considering how insanely low TTK weapons are now. You can have 2 tap AKs that kill in unreactable speed with no damage fall off that also have a high chance to heal you to full health oh and they can give you higher base mobility after getting a kill.

I'm not trying to downplay how strong the gauntlets could be, but it's not exactly going to be the best in slot primary.

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