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A few ideas to discuss.

+1 sounds good, I would enjoy seeing these in the server (NOTE, I WOULD VERY MUCH DISLIKE TO SEE REGEN BUBBLES MAKE THEIR WAY INTO FRG)

I loved the clue scrolls you made on NTG, would love to see them here. I also think implementing flashbangs into TTT would be awesome.

(04-12-2015, 03:34 AM)Kiefer D Wrote:  I loved the clue scrolls you made on NTG, would love to see them here. I also think implementing flashbangs into TTT would be awesome.

I agree 100%. Flashbangs would be badass, maybe a traitor weapon only though.

Well I always love having new/old stuff on the servers to make more interesting and having a good time.

I'm going to take most of jakes examples because there is a shit ton of them.

I'm all for having most of the old stuff from NTG on FRG but some of it could be tweaked a little bit like the tranquilizer for example.
I honestly think you shouldn't be able to snipe with it I think it should act more like a taser having the range moved up closer.

And maybe instead of a bow have like a crossbow idk

Another one that caught my eye on jakes post was the loaning guns I love the idea that people could trade their guns for a map or something to test them and then work out a deal after the timer or whatever is up.

Those are just a few that really caught my eye on jakes post it. Would also be great to do something with leveling since no one could never really agree on what to do with it on NTG so finding a cool idea for that would be great I always thought of some sort of skill tree or trade levels for a special item.

Quote:-Use for the leveling system. (unlock new hats, models, wep rolls. Say every 10 levels you get 1 item crate. This wouldn't hurt the economy and would get people to play and reward them for doing so. On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time. It is ALL RNG because coins just randomly drop if you're lucky. This is a super needed suggestion IMO. It at least gives something to those players who have stuck around and play often but just have bad luck.)

Quote:On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time.
That is true. I still somewhat frown upon awarding crates every 10 levels, even though I DO like it, it's just I can see people making new accounts to get to level 10 more quickly, rather than playing on their main to rank up 10 levels, as it gets harder to level the higher level you get. But that's not much of a problem with !cha.

I can picture people getting 'excited' or looking forward to gaining their next level to get the crate, which I like the idea behind their time going to something.

If you think about it, on NTG you gets points every 10 minutes, which can add up to an item roll in the pointshop, it's a similar concept really here. It would take LESS time to get enough points for a roll in the pointshop though. So if you think about it, it's not that big of a deal right?

Anyone else have anything to say about this specific suggestion?

EDIT:What about something a little less guaranteed? To go with the RNG system we already have in place.

you get 10 levels, then a menu or something pops up, which has a bunch of 'slots'. One of these slots will contain a case, and maybe one will contain an XP boost, maybe afew various other things, but they will mostly be empty. Anyways, you will be asked to pick one of these slots, not knowing what's in one of them. Once you pick it it tells you what you got. Then you're off to get 10 levels again till the next one!

(04-12-2015, 02:56 AM)Jake1o Wrote:  Anything you add will be beneficial to the server. Custom content can MOSTLY only help a server not hurt it. I put mostly because we all know there are exceptions. Anyway, getting to the point, here are some suggestions I have had written down since FRG was in private beta.

~Things from NTG~
-Clue scrolls - Yes please, would make for a fun time. Perhaps make the dropping of guns less common, and have coins drop instead (50-200 for easy, 100-400 for medium, 250-800 for hard, and let them drop more often. Challenge scrolls always bring a challenge motive to people, and it makes people want to play.
-The leveling syste. Definitely wanted throughout the server. Although, it needs to be changed a lot from what it is on NTG, specifically make it harder to level up, and make there be different ways to level up besides just killing. Having rewards for leveling up would be nice as well.
-Buyable T rounds No thank you, I never really liked that one. It leads to the richer people being able to be t quite often, and it just frankly gets annoying. I like the randomly chosen traitor system, and I hope it stays like that.
-Skin system Sure, but make skin crates buyable in the market such as item crates and everything. Skins ended up being insanely rare and I don't see why they should be, allow guns to have skins. I don't know how this would work with guns that are already colored though, and I think there should be a chance for guns with skins ALREADY on them to drop
-T tester gun for Detectives Yes please, this thing wasn't insanely overpowered as it was really hard to aim, so it turned into a super balanced detective tool. It is good for figuring out afks, or simply suspicious people, so I'd definitely support this.
-Shurikens (They were a ton of fun) No thanks actually, I feel like having a throwable melee isn't needed on here. If it was to be added, make the user carry less than on ntg, but make them do more damage and have less accuracy.
-Goomba boots (I bought them frequently on NTG) I never learned how to use them personally, but they were fun to watch people use. With the scetchiness of the current grapples, goomba boots would work well! Definite support in this one.
-ID disguiser (I personally had a lot of fun with this one) This one is really fun to use, and is a favorite of mine. This is a great idea to have added.
-Deathstation (on NTG there are regen bubbles so death stations are obvious but on FRG health stations are actually bought so death stations would trick some people) These are often on servers, so I see no reason as to why not add it here. Make them barely noticeable in compared to health stations, and perhaps make them kill slower upon use.
-Tranquilizer (Safe to say that was/is a community favorite on NTG) These things were definitely something that everyone on NTG enjoyed, and I'm positive that everyone on FRG would enjoy. One suggestion to change them up a bit though; give only 1 or 2 bullets on the tranq, but as other guns, make them rebuyable with credits.
-Some sort of bow like the wind (Another community fav) Crossbow perhaps, such as the default half-life one. I personally didn't like the wind due to how much damn damage it did, but if you can do a bow thats balanced and is just fun to use, sure!
-Luck token (not super important but they are a neat idea) No thanks, I like the drops being completely random and not having any sort of chance of getting better drops. It allows the richer people to get more rich, and the RNG can do its work on its own without luck tokens.
-When you are killed it should say in chat who killed you so you can scroll up and see. NTG has this. Not sure why we don't. This would be super helpful, as users can't just check f8 and see who killed them if they don't remember. I definitely support this, as it would simply be a good resource.

NOTE: I know you don't want FRG to be a copy of NTG but all of these things are incredible and were 100% coded by you so who the fuck cares. I think I speak for everyone when I say WE WANT THEM HERE! =)

~Fresh Ideas~
-Buyable jihad sounds (we discussed this idea quite a bit when FRG was first starting up) I don't see why not! Do the same thing as you did with the songs, and allow people to suggest different sounds. The same old sound is just boring and plain.
-Need to be able to drop currency and magneto stick it (probably very difficult to code but it would lead to a lot of funny situations. Drop a coin from your inventory, magneto stick it and put it near a trap on trappy cottage. People would go for the coin and you could kill them. This is just one example. No thanks xD I don't see this ever happening, it's just useless and not really necessary. I can see it for people giving away coins I guess, but it could result in people getting angry and shit and I just don't really see this happening anytime.
-Achievements (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) (These could give EXP like you were saying or they could give rewards too. I'm sure you could find something cool and useful to do with them.) Yes! I would love an achievement system, it'd be another thing that players could work for and I'd love this. Any sort of system that gives players a motive to play and gives them goals is definitely in support for me, I love it!
-Use for the leveling system. (unlock new hats, models, wep rolls. Say every 10 levels you get 1 item crate. This wouldn't hurt the economy and would get people to play and reward them for doing so. On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time. It is ALL RNG because coins just randomly drop if you're lucky. This is a super needed suggestion IMO. It at least gives something to those players who have stuck around and play often but just have bad luck.) I would definitely like this, I have always wanted a purpose for the leveling system and this would be a great one. Maybe instead of every 10 levels, make it every other level, but make leveling a bit more difficult to do.
-T wep flashbang grenade Yes please, this would be super cool and would be an insanely helpful t-weapon. Perhaps make it so it doesn't affect the user though, or at laest make them affect the user less. Flashbangs would be a great traitor weapon, and definitely a favorite.
-Dual wields (would need to be balanced so they aren't OP but they would be a really cool unique or something) Dual wields really depends on what you mean by it, if you want to be able to hold two different guns in your inventory, I think the only way you could balance this is if you don't use a secondary, and each stat is halved on each gun. If it's on a unique, I'd definitely support this. I've always been in favour of a unique dual-weild weapon.
-Detective item security camera (would be able to place it in a room and it would be very small so Ts wouldn't see it very well. After you place it in a room you can go somewhere else and view the placed security camera. Would be a fun D wep IMO. This one I am a bit iffy about, this could result in RDM as you wouldn't be able to see the names on the camera, and if you saw someone with a skin in the camera, or props on, it could result in the detective to kill the person just because of what they saw on the camera. This would be a nice suggestion though if there was some sort of solution to that.
-Should have killing sprees for Ts (could even use the halo streaks and voice but it would only play on your end so others don't know you're a T obviously. Not something game changing but it would be a bit of nostalgia for halo fans and also make you feel good about reking on your T round.) Hell yeah haha. It'd create hype while playing, and give traitors motivation. I definitely support this!
-Headcrab grenade T wep (we used to play a server with this item and we always enjoyed it. Doesn't have to be just headcrabs either.) It'd have to be coded in order to make it not target fellow traitors or else it'd definitely result in rdm/karma loss, but otherwise I think this would be a great idea, and having headcrabs run around jumping on people would just be fun as hell.
-Trip wire T wep. (Could see this being OP now that I'm thinking about it but I had it written down and it still sounds cool so I typed it here) Why not, there are remote mines, and I think trip wires wouldn't be as strong as those. They are noticeable and easily avoidable so I definitely support this being added! GIANT +1!
-Fire boots T wep (This would be really cool IMO. It would last say 10 seconds and place fire behind your path wherever you walk. Could run circles around someone for 10 seconds and trap them in a ring of fire. xD) This sounds like some minecraft shit XD This could result in traitor on traitor rdm too, but so could most other traitor weapons. I think this would be cool, but maybe not 10 seconds, perhaps 5.
-Gun loaning system (set a timer in the trade and once that time is up your guns are returned.) Yes! This would be super cool, and the loaner could possibly cancel the loan at any time. This would be super helpful, and create safe gun loaning. Put a 0 in the time slot in order to make it infinite until you feel like canceling it, large support here.
-Overshield T and D wep (could be like the one on the map ttt_lockout. Gives the player a glow and 50-100 extra HP. I could see Ds always buying this and Ts would only use it as a last chance thing because they would glow upon using it.) Maybe not 100, but 25-50 sure. Having excess health can be a bit ridiculous and this could make detectives super hard to kill if it is 100 health, because they could survive headshots from a deagle, and multiple headshots from most guns.
-Listings on the market should be limited. (Right now the quantity of standards greatly exceeds the demand for them. Yes, there is a demand. Reducing the amount of listings each person could have to say 10 would help reach or at least near closer to that equilibrium demand.) Make it 10-25 and it would definitely work out, although make auctions a separate thing and have maybe a maximum of 5 auctions at a time. This would clean up the market a bit, and that is definitely needed, so +1.

This is all I have right now. I took a lot of time to type this whole thing out so please don't hate. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged but don't be a dick. Thanks.

EDIT: I know you don't think T weps and D weps are huge things that bring in players but I truly think they are and do. T weps and D weps are seriously the most fun part of TTT for me and I'm sure at least some others agree. We used to hop servers and look at the T shop to decided if it was a good server so I know you agree with me on at least some level. Wink

Reasons as to why or why not I support these are in red Smile

(04-12-2015, 03:47 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
Quote:-Use for the leveling system. (unlock new hats, models, wep rolls. Say every 10 levels you get 1 item crate. This wouldn't hurt the economy and would get people to play and reward them for doing so. On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time. It is ALL RNG because coins just randomly drop if you're lucky. This is a super needed suggestion IMO. It at least gives something to those players who have stuck around and play often but just have bad luck.)

Quote:On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time.
That is true. I still somewhat frown upon awarding crates every 10 levels, even though I DO like it, it's just I can see people making new accounts to get to level 10 more quickly, rather than playing on their main to rank up 10 levels, as it gets harder to level the higher level you get. But that's not much of a problem with !cha.

I can picture people getting 'excited' or looking forward to gaining their next level to get the crate, which I like the idea behind their time going to something.

If you think about it, on NTG you gets points every 10 minutes, which can add up to an item roll in the pointshop, it's a similar concept really here. It would take LESS time to get enough points for a roll in the pointshop though. So if you think about it, it's not that big of a deal right?

Anyone else have anything to say about this specific suggestion?

EDIT:What about something a little less guaranteed? To go with the RNG system we already have in place.

you get 10 levels, then a menu or something pops up, which has a bunch of 'slots'. One of these slots will contain a case, and maybe one will contain an XP boost, maybe  afew various other things, but they will mostly be empty. Anyways, you will be asked to pick one of these slots, not knowing what's in one of them. Once you pick it it tells you what you got. Then you're off to get 10 levels again till the next one!

Make levels harder to get, not like NTG where you can get to level 10 in like 10 hours.

For the most part I like your suggestions, but I see a couple of those T weapons causing RDM.
Also I can't see anyone buying goomba boots on FRG. Our grapple hook is completely different and way too slow

(04-12-2015, 04:39 AM)Cryptic Phantom Wrote:  @Jake
For the most part I like your suggestions, but I see a couple of those T weapons causing RDM.
Also I can't see anyone buying goomba boots on FRG. Our grapple hook is completely different and way too slow

Most weapons that do damage can cause RDM.

(04-12-2015, 04:39 AM)Cryptic Phantom Wrote:  @Jake
For the most part I like your suggestions, but I see a couple of those T weapons causing RDM.
Also I can't see anyone buying goomba boots on FRG. Our grapple hook is completely different and way too slow

Nah it's not always slow. Once you get a good swing you can go really fast. You just gotta get good with it.

I'd definitely support goomba boots and ID disguiser and death station. Those are my favourite T weapons.

Myself, I would like the normal levels by kills reimplemented, and reimburse for already gotten kills. I don't really like the idea of it turning into almost an mmo... The challenge scrolls sound fun. Also the server has been full most of the time I've come on lately. Duals sound cool but ai battles, traveling merchants, bosses and stuff just doesn't sound good. Its supposed to be TTT, if I wanted a mmo I would play a diff game...

Just my opinions.

But if you put the level system in, MAKE SURE you put prior gotten stuff into it.

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