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YeOldRust - Membership Application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): YeOldRust

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
Ostara 1h 57m
TTT - 99h 5m
FRG Crate Open - 12h
FRG Event - 3h
FRG Lobby - 61h

Where did you hear about this server?: Originally found it via server list

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never been banned to my knowledge.

Why do you want to join?: I'd like to become a better member of this community, as I've been on and off playing the server for the last few years but I do truly enjoy the time I spend on the server as well as most interactions with the other players on the server.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: Mostly been a positive player on the server, rarely ever had conflict with another player or created any drama (that I know of), I genuinely enjoy playing on the server and would love to continue playing and learning more about what the server has to offer.

+1 YeOldRust is kind and memey. I always enjoy when he's on the server. Definitely should be a member.

+1 minimumcharacterlimit

I don't think I know you very well, unfortunately, but member ranks will be wiped eventually anyways (presumably). Ergo, maybe you'll have an easier chance in the future if you get Member now, and since you have no infractions or anything that's good in my books. +1

Very chill dude. I've played with him in the lobby and TTT. Very helpful player and knows what he's doing within the community. +1

+1 Cool guy never had any problems with him, knows the market pretty well


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