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Interesting development

I don't really know how to say it but I'll be blunt.

I'll be resigning as a moderator here effective by this post.

A lot has been happening in the last few days, and I've really not had the motivation or energy to make this post.

It would be very difficult to explain and for that reason I'm not going to give an explanation. Just know it's for a a good reason.

This isn't a departure, I'm not quitting, I'm not leaving the server, I just don't think I'm okay to remain as staff and neglect you guys.

I probably won't be playing for a while though. There is a lot for me to handle for the next few months.

I'll keep in touch if I come on once in a while.

Really? Wow. Well, if you can't mod, why not just stay on as a +Member? You have no obligation to play constantly and you can still use your experience to do a lot of good on the server.

Glad that you're staying though, demotions notwithstanding.

Nooo! Sad You're one of the best staff FRG currently has.

(04-15-2015, 11:35 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  Nooo! Sad You're one of the best staff FRG currently has.

That lets me know that the time spent with here was worth it.

I appreciate it a lot, thanks nuggie.

I hope you get better Kuro it's sad to see you going through this ;( (not sure what it is, but you can sure tell it's horrible). Also Nuggie is completely right you are one of the best staff members I know of. Hope you feel better!

Yea man just deal with what you need and I wish you luck man. And you where a really good mod.

I'm glad you're staying on even if you can't be on as often as you used to be Sad
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

Feel better, get better, good luck or whatever you have to do man. You are always welcome to reclaim your staff position and I thank you for all of your help with staffing the server. Hope to keep in touch and still play together once in a while.

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