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The_naughtybear's Membership Application

I definitely support Naughty as a member. When you first joined with your friend, everyone thought you were ghosting, but instead of freaking out and doing what most poeple would do (rage and disrespect), you handled it maturely and proved that you're a great person and are very mature.

You may not be the most talkative, but that in my opinion shows you're just very into the game and you just wanna play and have fun, and there is no harm in making you a member.

I don't think I've ever had to slay you, gag you, or mute you, there have been no problems at all with you.

Please make him a member, large +1.

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RE: The_naughtybear's Membership Application - McNuggie - 05-15-2015, 01:47 AM

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