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Offical Quest Suggestion Thread

Title: The Buckshot Eliminator
Objective: Kill 30 Shotgun Users with any weapon but a shotgun.
Victory Description: You're Excel(lent)
Difficulty: Hard

Title: The Greatest Plan
Objective: As a Traitor, first kill an Innocent with a Newton Launcher. (Making them fall counts!) Then kill another player with a Flare Gun (Only the killing blow needs to be done). Finally, blow an innocent up with a jihad.
Victory Description: Could have escaped from prison.
Difficulty: Hard

Title: Secret Weapon
Objective: By any means necessary, achieve perfection! Get 100 non-rdm kills with secondary weapons only.
Victory Description: I keep it in my pocket.
Difficulty: Hard

Title: Blast Proof
Objective: Survive 2,000 damage from explosions in total!
Victory Description: You're a movie star!
Difficulty: Hard

Title: Sky Flier
Objective: Play 30 rounds using a Gravity Crystal.
Victory Description: Up, up and away!
Difficulty: Hard

Title: The Supplier
Objective: Generate 20 full 9mm magazines using a Dimension Crystal and drop them in the round.
Victory Description: He does it for free!
Difficulty: Hard

Messages In This Thread
Offical Quest Suggestion Thread - Aresuft - 05-15-2015, 11:47 PM
RE: Offical Quest Suggestion Thread - Axe - 05-16-2015, 09:23 PM
RE: Offical Quest Suggestion Thread - Terran - 05-22-2015, 12:51 AM

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