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Psychotic Dave's Member Application

Dave, you're a little bit too quick to anger. This is the internet, everyone is an asshole. As soon as you try to argue with someone, everybody else automatically label both parties as assholes. While I agree that people need to be brought to justice for their actions, your methods have to be pristine. When a police officer does something non-regulation, everybody assumes that he was in the wrong. If you want to uphold the law, stay within the law.

I'm not going to give a rating. If I +1 you it will be entirely opinionated, but I don't think you warrant a -1. If you chill out for a while I will give you a +1. But if you continue to argue with staff and players and even Tobias, I will have to go against my personal opinion and give you a -1.

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RE: Psychotic Dave's Member Application - Rotshout - 07-04-2015, 01:46 AM

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