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SilentSpy's Membership Application

You have really improved on your mic spamming. You also have been acting more "member like" than you used to. Always helping new players and being friendly are def some positives. All this being said I'm still not too sure how I feel about you. You tend to act like you are a staff member when you aren't and you turn everything into a "joke" sometimes when you shouldn't. I put joke in quotes because it's usually not funny at all. However, you have a ton of +1s and have been trying to get member for a long while. I guess I can't be so biased as to deny this application with the amount of support you have gathered. Approved.


EDIT: I strongly disliked how you changed your name to SciencePie to sound EXACTLY like Cyan Spy. It is clearly stated in the rules not to make your name the same or similar to someone else on the server. I guess this is just my way of saying please don't do that again.

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RE: SilentSpy's Membership Application - Jake1o - 07-06-2015, 04:55 PM

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