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Nacholastic - Being a total bitch

I will +0 this just because he has stopped, but know he doesnt do that everytime, and also you RDMed him when you both were traitors with a JiHad, in which Nacho told you to slay, and you said "No". I told you to slay, and you said you didnt have to, even though you never warned him in chat. So you're complaining about this when you just refuse to slay yourself? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nacholastic - Being a total bitch - Bottle4 - 12-14-2014, 07:05 PM
RE: Nacholastic - Being a total bitch - ϟ Fancy "Humbug" Tesfat ϟ - 12-14-2014, 07:10 PM

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