Words per minute (WPM) 103
Keystrokes 521
(513 | 8)
Correct words 102
Wrong words 1
You are better than 98.17% of all users (position 3213 of 175203 - last 24 hours)
I only use my two index fingers to type, a.k.a chicken pecking. I never learned how to type better. Actually, nobody believes that, but that's how it goes. I do use my left thumb for space-bar, my right pinky for enter, and left pinky for Shift at times. Otherwise, its all up to those two index fingers.
I have a friend who can hit 130-133 WPM on this test pretty easily. He's nuts.
Keystrokes 521
(513 | 8)
Correct words 102
Wrong words 1
You are better than 98.17% of all users (position 3213 of 175203 - last 24 hours)
I only use my two index fingers to type, a.k.a chicken pecking. I never learned how to type better. Actually, nobody believes that, but that's how it goes. I do use my left thumb for space-bar, my right pinky for enter, and left pinky for Shift at times. Otherwise, its all up to those two index fingers.
I have a friend who can hit 130-133 WPM on this test pretty easily. He's nuts.