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Tyrone Biggums Ban shorten request

First, Harmful didn't scam you. Harmful gave you around the same price of items. The items you received I saw was worth around 500 coins and you had paid 600. You may have over paid him 100 coins, but that's pretty much it. That's not scamming. Second, he gave you advise (Did not force you) to buy crates which you could have decide to not listen to him(And should have). Since you did listen to him, you took a chance on the crates and the only thing that scammed you was your luck. Finally, like RotShout sort of explained, you could have gotten Harmfull in so much more trouble if Brass didn't check, which of course he was. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish from this, but the only person that scammed you was your self.

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RE: Tyrone Biggums Ban shorten request - Skully_Fluff - 10-30-2015, 07:37 PM

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