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3 Friends Being Racist, RDMing, and Ghosting

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): TobiasX

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): Beatbox Master - STEAM_0:1:59583616; Sir Breakfast - STEAM_0:1:47936747; Voodikod - STEAM_0:0:40228027

What Happened?: They came on yesterday, saying the N word, and RDMing, calling everyone faggots. Now today they came on, call me a Faggot RDMing N'er. After that, I had hack come on and start recording. And just now they knew who all the T's were once one of them died.

Witnesses: Terran, Tesik, Edit, Seto, and a LOT more.

Evidence: Image


Messages In This Thread
3 Friends Being Racist, RDMing, and Ghosting - TobiasX - 01-04-2015, 08:57 PM
RE: 3 Friends Being Racist, RDMing, and Ghosting - Bottle4 - 01-05-2015, 06:08 AM

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