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Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up"

a. lol i mean extra food??? sure??? but not really something worth it
b. I don't need a gun??? lol
c. zombies dont exist so its literally just bad
d. zombies dont exist
e. fuck being deprived of your senses.
f. zombies dontexist, but i like dogs. it dies in 4 years tho? idk.
g. If the internet has no one left on it, no new youtube videos or games. fuck that.
h. no neeed for that
i. that'd be badass, them being pink would just make it look even cooler.
j. im a raelly lazy person so i mean i think this is kinda nice.
k. hoverboard that only goes 4 feet in the air? dummbbbb
l. I don't really understand how any of this is really good, lol, you get more energy from the foods/liquids, but you would be sick??
m. i dont need to possess weapons :/
n. zombies dont exist so sure, come at me aliens.
o. why the fuck would i want to have dirt
p. no zombies exist Sad

probably I or F

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RE: Terrans "I Was Really Bored So I Typed This All Up" - McNuggie - 11-13-2015, 11:53 PM

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