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FRG is hitting a hard point.

The only issue I have with your statements is there's people who tend to complain about decisions they don't agree with in the WRONG WAY. People always seem to think they can do a better job than someone else. People have stepped down because of such reasons, tired of people second guessing every decision they make.

Now don't get me wrong; it's 100% fine to simply not agree with a decision someone else has made, it's perfectly ok to have your own morals and what not. What's not okay is how they tend to handle this fact. How they go about expressing it. These things cause a lot more harm, and rifts in the community than they do good. (going on the server, shoutbox, or forums and basically throwing insults at the person)

The correct way of handling such a situation is to either PM ME directly, or pm the person directly and talk about it. Be friendly, we're a gaming community, we're here for fun, and understand the person could have just been doing what they thought was best for the server. Which again, is perfectly ok to not agree with. But talking behind their backs, spreading rumors, etc.. All create rifts, and is simply not needed.

People tend to think they 'know it all' and spout nonsense without knowing any of the true facts.

This may have been a little unrelated, but it's something I really wish to change.

Also a little off topic again:
There's been quite a bit of drama between some staff members and members, which is getting pretty stupid. Both sides are pretty spiteful at each other it seems, but seriously, for the love of god lighten up. This is an online community, I know we can't all get a long, but it's a video game.

Your staff position doesn't make you better than anyone on the server. You were assigned that role to help the server, be a role model, and represent FRG. Getting involved in childish feuds is pointless, and doesn't help the server in anyway. Keep that shit off the server please..

Now, what you said here:
Quote:If you ever decide to avoid the server because someone you don't like is on;
If you ever have to leave because of a situation that you don't like;
If you ever want to change something but are too afraid to speak up...

Then don't be! Holy hell, I don't care what people say. FRG stands up for its own, and if you play on these servers, you're a part of that. Don't let FRG work its way into becoming what NTG was like, we left that for a reason. Now, call me stupid for this post if you want, ignore it if you want, or read every damn word. I don't really care, but let it out. Nobody is going to punish you for saying that you're angry at someone, or think they're not doing their job, or want a change. Lobby it! CHANGE IT!

Some things can't be changed just by speaking out about it.
There's no way EVERYONE can always get along. People will grow to be spiteful towards each other, over various things. It's pretty much human nature.

So if someone dislikes someone else to the point that they can't play the server with them, if the person is breaking rules or something like that then yes DO speak out, but if it's some feud between the two, speaking out to the entire server will likely just create more problems(and rifts.. Again). They should handle that, again, directly with the person if possible, or through a higher up (like me).

Messages In This Thread
FRG is hitting a hard point. - Terran - 03-20-2016, 08:11 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Daniel - 03-20-2016, 08:41 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Brassx - 03-20-2016, 08:50 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Terran - 03-20-2016, 09:01 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Brassx - 03-20-2016, 09:50 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Eryehka - 03-20-2016, 09:22 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Kcat - 03-20-2016, 11:08 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Unpoke - 03-20-2016, 02:42 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Jake1o - 03-20-2016, 03:59 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Brassx - 03-20-2016, 10:14 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Brassx - 03-20-2016, 10:32 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Denneh - 03-20-2016, 07:15 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Kuro - 03-20-2016, 11:47 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Daniel - 03-21-2016, 01:00 AM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Jake1o - 03-22-2016, 08:23 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Pepper - 03-22-2016, 09:01 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Axe - 03-22-2016, 11:36 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Aresuft - 03-23-2016, 07:22 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Chosen - 03-23-2016, 07:48 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Unpoke - 03-23-2016, 09:48 PM
RE: FRG is hitting a hard point. - Zott - 03-23-2016, 10:01 PM

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