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I really hate doing this but some people conviced me

This is going to be a bit off topic, but:
I have been thinking more about third party trading and my stances on it have changed a bit.
I would not say it's ok, or advisable to offer USD, or anything outside of FRG for FRG items.

Quote:NO THIRD PARTY TRADING! Trading items from our servers for IRL money or items outside the server is NOT supported in any way, shape or form. Anything that happens in 3rd party trades is 100% on you, and we are not liable for any losses that may happen from it.

We can not have anyone that represents FRG saying it's ok to do third party trades, there's complicated reasons behind it, but I'll list the main reasoning why I won't state I support it:

•It's unfair to other players who use in game items to make trades.
People can spend A LOT of time trying to work their way up to get an item they really want.
Taking shortcuts with outside sources is pretty unfair, and does not support the server, or the future of the server in any way.
Without your donations, FRG wouldn't stay alive as long. I would not be able to spend HOURS and HOURS of my life working on updates without the generous donations FRG receives. I know the perks aren't 'amazing'. But they are as fair as we can get without going full 'pay2win', but still having nice incentives to donate.

•Using real money is essentially the 'pay2win' module that you guys seem to hate so much, and like to complain so much about.
I don't know how you guys complain about donators spending money for the CHANCE to get something, when people can just spend money to buy what they want directly from another player. How do you guys see this as ok, and something that's fair?

With that logic, it should be fine and dandy for me to sell the items directly on the Donator store, as I definitely worked my butt off on a lot of them, correct? Nope. I would NEVER do something like that here on FRG.

So my stances on third party trading is: DO NOT DO IT. YOU CAN, AND LIKELY WILL GET SCAMMED! It's unfair to other players(aside from the two involved, obviously). It's unfair to the server as a whole, and absolutely gives less incentive to donate to, and support FRG.

Now, more on topic.

Spiderpig clearly stated he does not give a fuck anymore about the trade. So.. This is a tough one, it goes both ways. Perhaps a tradeback would just be best, and would help resolve the situation without more drama/conflict.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I really hate doing this but some people conviced me - Brassx - 04-03-2016, 04:45 PM

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