IF you noticed ive been gone for a while. FRG is a great server just need a break maybe a break forever. I maybe NEVER return I havent even been on steam
. Ive been stressed out alot and got my ps4 fixed and everthing. Add me on ps4 UltraMega12Rekt. I even have steam and gmod deleted. D: If this is my last time speaking to whom ever is reading goodbye forever (Maybe for 2-4 more months) IDK. So i guess this is goodbye forever MAYBE. If i decide never to come back i will post one saying RIP Splashy. I will make this decision by August 1st 2016. If i chose to come back i hope to see you again.
For now rip splashy. One more thing I chose to come back it will prob be in the summer and by the end of summer if you dont see me on know im gone. Everthing is stressful enough. I have been super busy/stressful sorry I Choose not to come on. I could but i just dont feel like playing ttt for a while maybe forever Sorry People
All will be missed even Excel. Dont think im not happy not playing ttt im very happy just have alot of work.

All will be missed even Excel. Dont think im not happy not playing ttt im very happy just have alot of work.